Where to go to Portofino and what to see?


Portofino, when the former tiny fishing village, is located on one of the most expensive sites of the Ligurian coast near Genoa. More Ancient Romans spinned this paradise in the Tigullio Bay, in which the great many dolphins dwell. It was because of the fact that this marine mammalian mammals were so chosen by the town of Porto Dolphini called these marine mammals.

Officially, there are only 500 people in the city, but in the summer, during the holidays season, there is a fine number of tourists from around the world, and it is not at all surprising, because local beauties and crystal water (local beaches are marked "Blue Flag" for water purity ) This is a rare combination in our time.

By itself, this tiny old town is very cozy, every street is already a landmark, here you can walk and admire the clock.

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The first place that is worth visiting in Portofino is the church of St. George. In the 12th century, the Crusaders brought the relics of the saint in Portofino and built in his honor in 1154 the temple. However, this is quite controversial information at the expense of the relics, because officially head is stored in Rome in the Church of San Georgio-In-Velagio, part of the relics are buried in Israel in the city of Lod, another part is in Paris in the ceremony of Reliquarian Saint-Chapel, and The right hand is stored in the church on Mount Athos. Catholics worship St. George as a patron of farmers, warriors and travelers.

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Unfortunately during World War II, the church was completely destroyed, it was rebuilt with it in 1950, so that anything from the building was not left at all.

Near the church there is a gorgeous observation deck, and a little further at the rate (more precisely up the hill) for the church there is another bright pearl of Portofino - Brown Castle. The first fortress was built here also built ancient romans from wooden logs, the review from this is just superb, so it is very convenient to observe the sea and the approach of enemies. Such a strategically good location helped protect the town from not one attack. Stone bastion at this place was built only in the 15th century. In 1870, the fortress bought the British Jeats Brown (in his honor now is called the castle) and gradually rebuilt the castle under the chic villa. In 1961, the castle became the property of the city and here organized the gallery of paintings, besides them, it is also possible to admire the gorgeous tile of handmade, furniture and small objects of furniture. A charming garden with shady alleys and flowerbeds is broken around the villa.

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Works the castle from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 7 pm.

Another Catholic pearl Portofino is the Church of St. Martin. Outside the building is unremarkable, it seems that this church is the same as everything. Nevertheless, it was built in the 12th century. The inner decoration strikes imagination, especially impressive Niche with the statue of the Virgin Mary. Skilled stained glass windows as new and older harmoniously complement the interior.

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The town of Portofino is located at the foot of the sheer cliff, at the top of which is a lonely lighthouse, to which you can walk along a very romantic path, in principle this path is officially considered the street. Only on top it is necessary to be very careful, from a gorgeous type of head can be spinning and one not true movement can end at the foot of the cliff.

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Another place that is worth visiting in Portofino is the Abbey San Fruttuoseo di Capodimont. It is located a little outside the city and get there is not so easy. If you are extreme - you can try to go there on foot, only rocky streets and paths are enough insidiously, or you can not risk and go to the abbot of the pier on the boat. It is not reliable when the abbey was built by about 10-11 centuries, but scientists are confident that even during the Roman Empire there was a settlement. Now the complex of abbey consists of the main building, the courtyard of the Church and the sentigious tower, which was built on the orders of the Doria family in the 15th century. Members of this family are buried in the territory of the abbey.

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Named abbey in honor of St. Fruttuzo, whose ship on legend in 3m was crashing here. Now this saint is considered the patron saint of sailors and marine travel, his remains are also stored in the abbey.

In 1915 there were terrible showers, the result of which was the landslide that destroyed partially buildings of the abbey. Now there are temporary exhibitions of art objects in the abbey, as well as the permanent exhibition dedicated to the history of the monastery itself. From the main building you can go into the patio and in the chapel, where the monks who lived here were burning here - they were buried in the tiny graves side by side, because there is no place for the cemetery on the territory, but there was a huge premises for the tomb of the family of rich patrons. You can also visit the parish church, which is well preserved. Not sublightened from the banks of the abbey at a depth of 17 meters in 1954, the statue of Christ was established from the abyss, and an accurate bronze copy of this statue was installed in the church. The original can be seen by going to the diving tour.

There is still a lot of interesting things in the city, here every street each walkway is already like a tour, every corner keeps the spirit of old Italy.

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Of course, if there is time and the opportunity to come here, the impressions of the couple of days in Portofino will be simply unforgettable, they will definitely stand their spent resources. Though in Portofino and full of expensive boutiques, which are so interesting to join the general atmosphere of the old city, but also surprisingly (although what is surprising) there are a lot of souvenir shops and shopkeepers, where you can buy colorful souvenirs and handmade gifts that will be reminded You are about sunny Portofino as a warm and cozy old Italian town.

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