Rest in Uzhgorod: pros and cons


The city of Uzhgorod is unique in that it is the extreme western point of Ukraine, the present "window to Europe" as before the border with Slovakia here is hand. Each Western city has its own special highlight, and Uzhgorod holds the championship in the number of interesting natural and cultural objects. But first things first. The city is rich in its history here for many centuries attended Hungarians, which, of course, was displayed in the architecture of the Old Town.

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Uzhgorod is difficult to consider as a resort town, but as a business and business center, where you can arrange trainings, seminars, just right! This is strikingly distinguished by Uzhgorod from other Western cities, it is possible to spend time not only with benefit, but also to visit a lot of interesting historical and natural attractions. Also, the city attracts many tourists here, especially at a certain time of the year, when Sakura blooms, why go to Japan, when such beauty is so close.

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Uzhgorod is a very compact city, his old part is located on the right side of the picturesque river, and it is so compact that a unhurried walk with the excursion will take no more than three hours, it's with a visit to the castle and the ethnographic museum under the open sky.

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Therefore, if you plan to visit the city with a familiarization goal, you should not stay here for more than two days, ideally you can spend a rich interesting day. For those who stop more than a day, you can devote the second day to interesting excursions that are organized here in the tourist bureau, or to plan the trips on their own by intercity transport.

Pluses of rest in Uzhgorod

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- Easy to navigate the city - To get to the historic center of the city and the Embankment of the River, from the train station, you need to go through the road and go for avenue 10 minutes, then minimize the Orthodox Cathedral Cathedral, which was built on the analogue of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

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It is simply impossible not to notice and pass by, then another 10 minutes on Schwabskaya Street, and you are on the square of Shandor Petefi, where a monument is installed, an area of ​​beautiful old buildings and a pedestrian bridge begins across the river across the road. All excursion routes around the city begins precisely from this place or from the theater area, which is right away by moving the bridge.

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It is impossible in the old town, since all roads lead either to the castle or to the river.

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- Railway and bus station are near - For one-day tourists, it is an important factor of a comfortable stay, coming out from the train and turning the road, you will find yourself on the bus station, where you can pass it into the chamber storage, buy bus tickets if you continue the journey, and safely go for a walk on your own or having agreed with Guide.

- Prices for accommodation are lower than in other Western cities - In comparison with the city of Lviv, the price of accommodation here is slightly lower, but it all depends on the comfort, location of the hotel, while staying and seasonality.

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- Very pure and well-groomed - At least in the old part of the city, since we were one day and all the time spent behind a fascinating excursion that was planned by 9 am, because of the early arrival of the train. Of particular garbage from the station to the historic center did not find. I want to notice that in the fall in Uzhgorod at 8 am still night, and only by 9 am the dawn begins, which we met on the banks of the river surrounded by a brightly colored autumn lip.

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- Beautiful nature - Many western cities of the same type of buildings and architecture, but Uzhgorod is a special, his beauty in the picturesque banks of the river, which in the rainy season becomes a full-flowing flowing stream, and in the summer, this is a common mountain river, but it traces a lot of dangers. In the city there are many green, squares, and plantings, there is your Botanical Garden

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- Historical sights - Uzhgorod Castle is considered the main attraction, but as for me it is less interesting than other castles of Western Ukraine, but besides him there are a lot of interesting places, such as the Museum of People's Open Sky Architecture Museum, is Radom with the castle in it there are wooden houses of representatives of different nations Transcarpathia - Romanian, Gutsulov, Lemkov. Korzo Street, the longest in Europe Lipovaya Alya, many religious shrines

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- A tourist business and an individual approach to tourists are developed - In Uzhgorod, a personal guide service is very developed, a city tour can be booked by contacting the Internet with a person providing such services. Usually, these are teachers of the historic faculty that knows the history of their edge. It is very convenient because you do not need to adapt to anyone, the guide will come at that time that is convenient for you, as well as show the most interesting places of Uzhgorod that the tourist will never detect independently.

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- Mini sculpture - If you are planning a guide with a guide, you will definitely show these amazing sculptures that have already become loved by all citizens, on holidays one of the sculptures with a lighthouse freedom, dressed in thematic costumes. And if you walk on your own, pay attention, at the entrance to the bridge on the right side there will be a sculpture of freight, on the left Iron knot, while moving the bridge will still meet two miniatures.

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- Shrine - The city is rich in saints and since different nationalities live here, then you can meet the Greek Catholic Church, the Reformed Church, the Synagogue, the Orthodox Church of Pokrov, the Orthodox Cathedral Cathedral, the Roman Catholic Church of St. Yuri, the Church of the Greeks, the Gospel Church.

- the ability to visit interesting excursions - From Uzhgorod, you can visit many interesting places of Transcarpathia, such as Mukachevo, Khust, Iza, Beregovo, to visit the waterfalls and get acquainted with the life of Gutsulov.

- opportunity to visit Austria, Slovakia, Hungary - If you have an effective Schengen visa, interesting thematic tours are organized from Uzhgorod on weekends.

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- Wine tasting - In the old town there is not one tasting hall, where you can eat the delicious Transcarpathian wine and brandy, as well as try the delicious natural cheeses.

Cons rest in Uzhgorod

- In the period of the festivals, blossoms of Sakura and Narcissus in a husthe, it is very hard to find accommodation Therefore, such events need to be prepared in advance.

- Many Roma (Roma) lives in the city Which may begging, or to overeat what lies badly, be attentive.

You can safely plan to Uzhgorod to plan the whole family, even if you have little kids, you will not be difficult to carry them into a wheelchair or walk on foot, distances are not big, many places to relax, which is worth walking along the embankment of the river in the shadow of lime alley or On the territory of the Ethnographic Museum, here you can feed the rams

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