What dishes and fruits should try in Thailand?


Many tourists, having been in Thailand, receive only a very blurry idea of ​​Thai cuisine. As a rule, familiarity with it begins and ends with tasting soup Tom-pit - the most popular dishes among tourists. Well, of course, anyone who visited Thailand, with confidence, will inform that all the dishes that are preparing Thais, very sharp taste. On the one hand, it is, and on the other - no one makes you go along their footsteps and eat all the peppers of Chile. Enough when ordering dishes ask: "no chili, no spicy." In addition, there are many dishes in Thai cuisine, when cooking is not used sharp spices. In fact, in Thai cuisine, not only sharp seasonings are used, but also various herbs, spices, nuts, fruits, which come with sour, sweet, Salted (and sometimes at the same time) taste. Acute sauces or roasted chili peppers are offered to a dish in a separate dish, so it is not necessary to add them to the food. The same one who decides to try something sharply to remember that it is best to reduce burning not cold drinks, but a lot of steam rice.

What is worth trying, resting in Thailand?

From the snacks should pay attention to the Thai Paw Pia Tawt Pancakes, which stuff over the beans, pork and crab meat shoots; Grilled pieces of Gai Hor Bai chicken, which are roasted on sesame oil with soybean and oyster sauce with the addition of greenery and whiskey droplets, and then wrapped in green leaves; Baskets Krathong Thong, which imposes some likeness of a finely chopped chicken salad, corn and carrots, refilled by soy sauce. All these dishes are very tasty, contain more or less familiar ingredients and not sharp to the Russian stomachs.

Mentioned already acute Tom Yam soup, which can be added to the Soup, the pork, chicken, shrimp or fish.

What dishes and fruits should try in Thailand? 7612_1

From the less sharp soups, you can try kaeng jeud with meat or shrimps, vegetables and transparent noodles, arched by Thai spices and herbs, soup on coconut milk with chicken Tom Kha or Noodle soup Bah Mee Nam with meat, beatings and spices. For children, Khau Tom is suitable - rice soup with chicken, pork or shrimp or Sen Lek Luk Chin Nam - soup with noodles and meatballs.

On the second, you can order Kao Pad - rice, fried with pieces of meat or seafood; Pad Thai - fried rice noodles with egg, fish sauce, chili pepper, shrimps or chicken, vegetables and spices.

Seafood is worth trying fried fish with sour-sweet sauce PLA PREW WAN and roasted Gung Tod shrimps, to which several sauces serve.

Sweet tooths can pamper themselves with a local seal - ice cream from coconut milk, sprinkled by peanuts and corn.

The most popular Thai production drink is Singha and Chang beer. Those who do not like alcoholic beverages can try fruit cervies or frosses.

What dishes and fruits should try in Thailand? 7612_2

The difference between them is that syrup is added to the shake except fruit, and Fresh is just crushed fruit in a blender. As a rule, all drinks in Thailand are served with ice. Firstly, the use of them is fraught with a cold, and secondly, you will simply overpare for the ice that the half-glass is applied. The taste of the drink is practically not felt. Therefore, ordering a drink, you can ask: "No Ice". Beer is usually stored in refrigerators and when feeding is poured into frozen glasses, so it will be cooled without adding ice. By the way, there is another reason why you should not use ice into food: it is unknown from which water it was made. Of course, in expensive restaurants you are unlikely to be stumbled on the "technical" ice, but in trays and roadside cafes - it is quite possible.

In Thailand, it is necessary to try fruit. Most of them can be found only in the countries of Southeast Asia, although in recent years they began to appear on the counters of supermarkets. True, stand several times more expensive than in Thailand. Tropical fruits have a truly exotic appearance and unusual names for beginners: Pophaiya, Rambutan, Durian, Mangoustin, Sapodilla, Longan.

What dishes and fruits should try in Thailand? 7612_3

As for taste, it is impossible to say that all the listed fruits are very tasty. Probably the most unusual among them is Durian, who is called the king of fruit. Two people who have tried on a slice from the same fetus can describe it absolutely differently. Someone he resembles cream cheese, someone - raw dough. Durian has a very unpleasant smell that appears after half an hour after the fruit has opened. By the way, it opens hard, so it is better to try Durian on the market, where the seller of fruits will be cleaned. It is forbidden to carry Durian into the premises, because his smell is weathering for a very long time. Therefore, in hotels, you can often find a sign with a crocked Durian. It is also the only fruit that is forbidden to export from the country. From the more familiar fruits in Thailand, you can try pineapples that are much fragrant and sweeter than those sold in Russia, watermelons are not only with the familiar red pulp, but also with yellow, hobs, papaya, mango, little bananas and guava.

All fruits are better to buy on the street to whole and ask to clean them and cut them with you. By the way, apples usual, pears, grapes, apricots and other Russian fruits in Thailand can only be bought in supermarkets. They cost much more expensive than local, so they are not grown here, but imported from other countries.

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