What time is it better to go to the holidays in Gainuk?


Gainuk is the nearest resort to Keler, or rather not to reach Kemer, if you drive from Antalya. As well as in other resorts of this region, the beginning of the season on the calendar orientation falls in mid-April. It is from the number of fifteenth charter flights from different countries to Antalya and Gazipasha airports, which are located in Antalya. And the discovery of hotels that do not work in the winter, falls on the fifteenth - twenties. But it should be noted that nature meets the beginning of the season in different ways and not every year at this time can be warm enough to fully spend a beach vacation. For example, this year, normal and warm weather was established from the twenty-first of April. But in general, it is best to come, starting with the May holidays, which many Russian tourists do. At this time, the resorts becomes lively. The air temperature in May is located in the area of ​​+28 degrees, and the sea warms up with +20 to +24.

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With the beginning of June, resting holidaymakers with children who have ended with the school. Probably, for such a category of tourists, this time is suitable most, since from the second half of July it becomes very hot and not everyone can carry such high temperatures calmly. And before that time, it is relatively normal, the average daily temperature indicators are located in the area +30, and water into the sea for bathing children is quite comfortable, because it reaches about +27 degrees.

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As already said, from the middle of July it becomes hot and continues such weather almost until mid-September. During this period, it is necessary to be extremely attentive to yourself and especially children in order not to burn in the sun or not get a heat strike. Wear hats and use sunscreen. To try to have with you always drinking water. Temperatures can not rarely roll over +40, and the sea comes to thirty degrees and above. However, the flow of tourists at this time does not stop and the prices for the tickets are at the maximum marks.

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After the tenth of September, the temperature is slightly lowered and the heat falls. There is a gracious time to relax. Tourists are becoming smaller, including children, from this resort calms down and calms down. This is a great period for family holidays with young children. Evenings are pleasantly walking for a long time and spend time on the street. To visit excursions, this is also a good time, since there is no exhausting heat, and walks through the attractions are endured easily.

What time is it better to go to the holidays in Gainuk? 7569_4

The air in September is heated to about + 28 + 30 degrees, and the sea is not lower than +27. Such a velvet season lasts until the first half of October, after some hotels begin to turn their work. Until the end of the month, all non-winter hotels are closed. But the weather makes it possible to relax even about the middle of November, until the rains begin, and it becomes cool.

There are those who come to relax in the winter, because in the winter months there are quite warm days, but mostly these are pensioners, and those who are contraindicated the summer sun for health.

What time is it better to go to the holidays in Gainuk? 7569_5

To save on the price of the journey or cost of housing during an individual travel, you need to come from April to May or October to November. Prices within these periods are pretty low and you can relax well for little money.

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