What currency is better to take with me in Vaduz?


In Liechtenstein, the official currency is the Swiss franc. This, by the way, today is the most sustainable and reliable currency. After all, Switzerland, time immersive preserves neutrality and all the money of the world is kept in Swiss banks. In the course of the coin - centimes and francs, as well as paper bills - francs.

What currency is better to take with me in Vaduz? 7567_1

As in most cities in Europe and America, in Vaduce, it is customary to pay the cards. Terminals for payment are even in small shops. Any cards are accepted by any, any payment system. But there are situations in which without cash can not do, such as a toilet, storage, parking terminals or tickets. In this case, you can withdraw money from the card in an ATM - the issuance of francs, and in some ATMs can be removed in euros. What amount of the commission you pay for this operation can be found in your bank's office. 24-hour exchangers operate on bus station and in large hotels, but not always there is a good course. The most excellent option is a big store, often it is there you can exchange money at a favorable course. It is better to change the euro / franc 1 euro = 1.22 franc; 10 francs = 8.20 euros. US dollar / Franc: 1 Franc = $ 1.13; $ 10 = 8.83 franc.

What currency is better to take with me in Vaduz? 7567_2

Banks work from 8 am to 4 pm. Some major banks have time to 10 pm, most of them have Russian-speaking staff. It is not worth going with rubles, it will be possible to exchange them, except that only in the neighboring Switzerland and that is quite problematic. If there is an opportunity, it is better to get in Russia in Russia and then there will be no difficulty at all.

In Liechtenstein, one of the highest prices in Europe. In addition, the price of any service or product included VAT in the amount of 6.5%. Keep in mind that when buying a sum that exceeds 500 francs, you are given the right to return VAT. Return is possible at customs - in a special window upon presentation of a passport and check or, if the thing is purchased in a large store, the tax returns immediately - in this case only a passport is needed.

Vaduz is the capital of the European country and pay plastic here everywhere. It is very convenient, you do not need to carry a fat wallet with bills and coins. And only thanks to collectors - numismatites, you can see what beautiful payment funds were in the go for several centuries ago:

What currency is better to take with me in Vaduz? 7567_3

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