What money is best to take with you to rest in Ichmeler?


Ichmeler is an excellent resort on the Aegean coast of Turkey, which is located next to the larger and famous Marmaris. As in any resort, for a full rest, you will need financial expenses and those tourists who first decided to go on holiday in Ichmeler or at all to Turkey, for sure the best use of one or another currency may be interested.

What money is best to take with you to rest in Ichmeler? 7557_1

Of course, as on any Turkish resort, you can use different currency in Ichmeler for calculations, whether the US dollars, euro or pounds sterling, since all of the above currencies can be freely exchanged in any currency checkout or exchange rate. But if we talk about saving money during the rest, it is worth noting that it is precisely calculations in national currency, that is, in Turkish lies, may be more profitable and comfortable. First of all, the fact that in some outlets, such as supermarkets or pharmacies, prices can be listed in Turkish lies and while recalculating another currency, the course can be significantly underestimated. For comparison, I can give an example that many markets last season, during the calculation in dollars considered $ 1 = 1.80 lira, although the exchange rate was one to two. Here you have a loss of ten percent in the same place. And the metal coins of the euro were considered at all at 2.50 lira, despite the fact that the course was one to three. Count yourself, is it worth changing currency on Turkish lira or not? And this is not the only example, since this situation is also public transport, where the calculation in the currency is guaranteed to lose at least twenty percent of the amount. I think that I was able to prove the need to use the national currency.

What money is best to take with you to rest in Ichmeler? 7557_2

Now, with regard to where you can buy Turkish lira and how to do it more profitable. Of course, it is worth noting that the most advantageous of the options would be the initial acquisition of Turkish lira in their homeland that, first of all, would get rid of the double exchange, due to what expenses would decrease due to the difference of purchase and sale. That is, you immediately buy lira at once, but do not buy dollars and then change them to the lira. But, unfortunately, not many banks can boast the presence of such a currency like Turkish lira and therefore I propose another option that can be useful. This is to check for this currency in the exchange office of the airport, from which you have to fly to travel to Turkey. If regular flights are carried out from this airport to the city of Turkey, it is likely that there may be such a currency unit. To do this, you can simply find out the number of telephone numbers of the CASS data or branches of banks and ask about this issue. I think that today it is not so difficult, since there are not only phones, but also sites with detailed information.

What money is best to take with you to rest in Ichmeler? 7557_3

If in this case, it will not be possible to find Turkish lira, then you should think about acquiring another currency. I advise you to make a bet on American dollars, because in Turkish resorts many prices are oriented precisely on this currency and, if necessary, the calculations and lack of Turkish lira, it will be more convenient for you. Moreover, at any time you can exchange dollars per lira. First of all, it can be done right at the airport, after your arrival to Turkey. But there is no point in changing a lot of money, since the course in the banking offices located at airports is usually slightly lower than in urban. There is also an opportunity to exchange directly at the hotel where you will live, since many of the time will provide such a service to their guests. True, in hotels, the course may not be quite good. It is best to change money in one of the banking branches in the village itself. There are five banks on the territory of Ichmeler, but the truth is not all the exchange of currency. I think that the addresses should not be transferred, since the village is small and find them is not a lot of work, especially since there are private exchangers, which then appear with the beginning of the New Year season. The course will be approximately the same, can be with a minor difference. As for banks, they work from 9.00 to 17.00 with a break for lunch from 12.30 to 13.30. On Saturday, they work until lunch, and on Sunday a day off. Private exchangers work without weekends and breaks for lunch, and closed much later, and if there are tourists, it can work almost until midnight. Therefore, with the exchange you will not have any problems at any time.

What money is best to take with you to rest in Ichmeler? 7557_4

But besides cash, you can use the plastic bank card, since the bulk of shopping, cafes and restaurants use cashless payments. You can also pay a card for the provision of various kinds of services or when acquiring excursions in travel agencies, although not all of them can have a banking terminal. Yes, and in small kiosks and tents selling fruit, ice cream and other trifles, the terminal will most likely not be. So cash still will not only be useful, but also need. You can remove the necessary amount from the ATM with the card. They are in the center of the village and near the banking offices. All ATMs work around the clock and give not only Turkish lira, but also currency. In order not to leave commissions for the cashing of money, try to pay the card in stores as possible. But I must say that when calculating in cash, you have a chance to slander at a lower price than when calculating the card, since the sellers later not only lose the percentage of cash, but also pay taxes from this amount, since it will not be able to hide it.

What money is best to take with you to rest in Ichmeler? 7557_5

As for Russian rubles, I think it makes no sense to take them with you, because even when accepting in the exchange office, the course will not be completely acceptable. Some stores can also sell their goods for rubles, but again, at a low rate, so it should be used to calculate only in extreme cases.

Here in principle, the information that, in my opinion, can come in handy during a trip to Ichmeler, and there you will already look at the situation and the need to use finance.

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