Where to go to Sydney and what to see?


Sydney unique in beauty and historical value city. Despite the relatively small number of attractions (in comparison with other cities of Australia), Sydney was and remains the most attractive destination for tourists from around the world.

Sydney is a unique city combining the amazing beauty of the pristine nature and the magnificence of man-made masterpieces of historical and modern architecture.

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Australia in any person is associated primarily with Kangaroo (as an original National Animal, living on this continent) and the Sydney Opera Theater. And if the kangaroo is a clear case of a unique animal, the opera building is a masterpiece of architectural thought. This is a business card, the most important symbol of the city of Sydney.

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Here they organize a lot of sightseeing tours, all types of transport. The national opera is the first to appear by a tourist who arrived in Sydney on a cruise liner. The overall duration of the excursion is about 3 hours, but to be honest, there is nothing to do there all this time. It is better to organize myself to preview, saving my own time, which is beneficial, after you can spend on watching no less worthy attractions. Very beautiful view of the opera building opens with water taxis closer in the evening. The building is completely transformed. Backlit around the perimeter with neon lights it is more like a fabulous castle. Under massacreled sails or huge seashells laid in the bizarre pattern. The look is just amazing.

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But near the building is not so ambitious how to publish. Opera type of something like akin to the swallowing nests made just a masterpiece, and near the building slightly "shabby", which lacks care. But, not looking at any building Sydney Opera House remains the most recognizable and unusual structure of Australia. In addition to excursion inspections of the stage and scenes, beautiful restaurants, a music shop and a souvenir shop are equipped in the building. An adult visit to Opera House (without purchases in the souvenir shop) will cost $ 35, the child is significantly lower - $ 13.

Next to the opera huge area - exit to the embankment. Further Harbor is the most beautiful and picturesque place of all Sydney. The scope of the city's delicious harbor is impressionable, 250 kilometers of coastline, a favorite place for walking with tourists, especially in the evening, when the Sydney Opera House highlight is turned on and a grand architecture bridge. Sydney Bridge Harbor Bridge, another no less visited attraction of the city.

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It is as popular among tourists as well as the opera building. Locals, for its extraordinary design, they call this beautiful creation "hanger". This is the world's largest arched bridge. Travel on the bridge is paid. The bridge itself is divided into 8 car strips, two railway canvases and a bicycle path. The scale of the bridge is grandiose, such buildings in the world there are units. And the view from the pylon to the water surface and the marine liners running back and forth - just amazing. The whole city is visible as a palm. Gorgeous landscapes, views of the city are awesome. The most interesting thing is that the bridge itself is not so rowed as it seems from afar. You can cross it within 15 minutes. Pedestrian walks and, accordingly, inspection of the surroundings for free, and if you buy a tour tour with a full range of services (lifting to the bridge in complete equipment for climbing), this kind of recreation will fly to a penny. There is such a "pleasure" approximately 200 dollars. On the entire perimeter of this magnificent arched structure, security grid is stretched, or from extremes - lovers jump into the water from a huge height, or just for the safety of tourists. Because the wind on the bridge sometimes breaks up very energetic. Togo and looked down, but it only adds a kind of highlight to a slightly boring conservation overview. Of course, the grids stretched slightly spoil the external attractiveness of the structure, limiting the overview, but the safety is still above all.

In general, the Sydney Bay is rich for attractions. This is Klondike for the tourist and guests of the city.

Not far from the Opera Theater is the Botanical Garden. This is truly natural Sydney Treasury. There are more than 7,500 collectible, rare plants on the territory of the Botanical Garden. This is an oasis of life among the "stone jungle" of the metropolis.

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The Royal Botanic Gardens that in translation means royal gardens. This name completely coincides with the majestic types of chic vegetation. Here and fervenous greenhouses, palm groves, all this wealth is permeated with a series of paths for a walk. To admire or just take a walk in this "endless kingdom of greenery" will need not one hour. By the way, it was located in the Royal Park "Mrs. Makuori chair". This is the so-called "chair" cut down in a rock at the request of the wife of the then Governor, Mrs. Elizabeth Makuori. If you get out on it, an excellent panorama of the Sydney opera and the Sydney Bridge opens.

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I recommend to take a walk by the old district of the city of Sydney - Rox.

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It is located in the oldest part of the city and partially retained the appearance and the atmosphere of the time of the formation of Sydney. Today Rox area is quite a respectable area. And once it was quite the opposite. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was the refuge of adventurers, robbers, that is, was the most criminal area of ​​Sydney. But now this place was chosen for walking already different, quite innocuous "personalities" - tourists. There is a very unusual atmosphere. Casting the streets laid out, the buildings preserved their initial appearance. By the way, there are many so-called "Harchevien", restaurants, cafes, pubs, where it is possible to relax and pleasantly relax (plus it is quite inexpensive). And the presence of souvenir shops will provide a lot of all kinds of household items, and just small commemorative souvenirs.

It is worth up to draw your attention to the Sydney Aquarium.

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I will not hide, nothing over the grandiose you will not see there, but still the aquarium is extraordinary, and such impressions can be obtained at the entrance to the complex itself. The entrance is crowned with an indulgent shark mouth, which is to say - a very bold solution. There is a Sydney aquarium in the eastern part of the bay Darling, not far from the bridge. The whole territory is divided into thematic exposures dedicated to the inhabitants of the Southern Ocean, a large barrier reef. Here, more than 650 species of various flora and fauna, inhabiting the waters of the Australian continent, are exhibited for everyone to review.

I also want to recommend for the mandatory view of the Sydney Tower "Sydney Tower".

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This is the highest, massively visited landmark Sydney. The height of the tower is 305 meters. The tower is divided into three sections, two of which viewing platforms. Well, the third is a restaurant. The first observation deck, it is closed. You can safely come to her even with children. Although it is located at an altitude of 250 meters, the height itself is physically not felt. From the site a full, circular review on the whole city, the famous harbor with the opera house and arched bridge.

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And the second observation deck is a bit (18 meters) above and suitable for visiting unless extremes. The floor is made of glass and completely transparent. The nervous is better not to go there. Wild feeling of delight and fear at the same time.

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