Rest in Prague: where to eat and how much does it cost?


Subjectively, Prague is one of the richest and diverse establishments of the consignment of European capitals. The entire historical center is overflowing in small places, many of whom are a hundred, two hundred, three hundred years. The establishments are pleased with a diverse menu, huge portions (do not take the first, second and dessert in Prague - do not eat; I'm not kidding) and wonderful medieval names.

Couple words about Czech cuisine

It is tasty, healthy, moreover, is close enough to the Russian and therefore it is unlikely to call negative emotions. From local dishes you need to try Goulash in bread - Something among the thick meat soup and stew. The dish is served in a small Rzhan Karavae, from which the ball is extracted.

From Soviet times many memos Shopsky salad (a dish of Bulgaria, popular throughout Eastern Europe, is often associated with the Czech Republic). In fact, this is a trivial vegetable salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and "worn missing" - so in Czech it is called fresh herbs. Salad chip - refueling with cheese, very unusual.

Perhaps you had to hear about dumplings - this is the most characteristic of the Czech garnish. Knedliki Made from boiled potatoes or bread. Just a lot of boiled potatoes. Or bread. They are preparing them well, but there are them interesting only in a large number of sauces.

Finally, in Prague is boiled dislike coffee All kinds. At me, an indelible impression was made by all varieties with the addition of whipped milk - Capaccino, mokacchino and vanillachino.

Several proven addresses

In the house where Mozart lived in the old town, now there is a restaurant " Three gold lions "(UHELNý TRH 420/1). A fully affordable establishment (average check per one - about 100 Czech crowns). There, in addition to hot dishes, you should try local beer with a set of meat snacks.

On the same shore of Vltava, but a little further north of Stargorod Square is the old restaurant "At the Red Wheel" (Anežská 808/2). There, according to legends, Kafka signed. The restaurant is characterized by a special interior: the spirit of Eastern Europe is preserved the first half of the 20th century. Touching provinciality is combined with an oppressive atmosphere of cruel time. In addition, the restaurant's kitchen is exquisite and unusual. Pay attention to meat dishes and sauces to them, especially creamy and berry. This should come here with a slightly thicker wallet than to the democratic Mozartt lions, capture 150-200 crowns per person.

Basement restaurant " Near Small Glena "(Karmelitská 374/23) is located in a small country, the city of the XVII century on the left bank of Vltava. Here you will find the widest range of drinking - not just beer, but also wine, cocktails and spirits. And food is predominantly common European Fast Food: Burgers, pizza and EVD After the abundance of heavy meat dishes in other restaurants sometimes you sometimes want this. The average check without drinking is approximately as in the "lions".

The list can continue and continue, but I want to stop at the youth-hipster institution " Soup in the City "(Panská 1308/9), which is near Wenceslas Square. The establishment specializes in the most useful nutrition - soups of the most different type: traditional chowers, mashed potatoes, cold soups, etc. The second dishes and coffee can also be purchased. A great chance to meet in 70 Crown for everything. Plus - a nice student atmosphere.

In general, walking around the city and read signs - one pleasure. "The vulture", "from the Templar" and my favorite is "a little whale."

Rest in Prague: where to eat and how much does it cost? 7543_1

And here's: "Winard-Parking" - a wine cellar for artists!

Rest in Prague: where to eat and how much does it cost? 7543_2

Products on the road

I usually travel railway tours, so for me a matter of food with you on the road is relevant. Those who travel in the same way I want to sincerely recommend perhaps the most unusual Czech souvenir: food from the bags of the format "Add boiling water". For Soviet people, Czechoslovakia was largely a country-producer of expensive imported quick food products. And this industry still works! A variety of "hot mugs", ready-made lunches and mashed people are in abundance. You can dial with you to twenty different items and taste on the road. To buy them, a shop with a wide enough assortment. The best supermarket in the historic center, which I found is not far from the Powder Tower, at the area of ​​the Republic, 6, in the basement of the multi-storey Mollet. Pleasant Food Shopping!

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