Where to go to Vaduet and what to see?


Despite its, to put it mildly, the small size, the capital of the dwarf state, Vaduz, has the full right to boast of both historical and architectural attractions, which in the city, the number of which is just over 5,000 people, more than abuse. Walking through the streets of the tiny principality, it seems that the time here froze and stopped at the medieval level. Despite the slightly dismissive attitude of tourists to the miniaturity of the country's territory, the locals look by no means deprived and quite happy due to a very high standard of living.

Vaduz Castle / Schloss Vaduz

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The most important attraction, as the countries and the capital, is undoubtedly the castle, where the princely couple lives, so I want to immediately warn that the entrance to the castle is closed to visits to tourists, and only once a year - August 15, when residents of Liechtenstein celebrate the most The main holiday of the country is a national day, the door of the castle is hospitably open.

The beginning of the construction of this magnificent fortification is dated XII century. The fact that the castle was primarily a defensive bastion, no one causes doubt, since the thickness of its walls reaches four meters. For almost 500 years, the castle was constantly completed and modified. His owners changed, and only in 1712, this is a wonderful beauty, architectural structure, passed to the princes of Liechtenstein. Since then, the prosperity of the castle began, under the non-primary observation of the princes. Starting from 1938, the princely couple of state rulers live here.

Cathedral of St. Florin / Kathedrale St. Florin.

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The symbol of the capital of Liechtenstein and his pride is the parish church, built in the middle of the XIX century, according to the project famous in those years, Architect Friedrich von Schmidt. Due to the fact that the population of Vaduch is not at all great, the temple could not be given the status of the Cathedral for a long time, and only in 1997, this significant event was accomplished. Now in the premises of the Church, the service is conducted by a bishop. This religious structure is located at: Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Sankt Florinsgasse, 15. The entrance to the Temple is free (it is advisable not to enter the time) time for visiting tourists: from 09.00 to 18.00.

Liechtenstein Museum of Arts / Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein

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At: Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Stadtle, 32, you can find a very original structure resembling a black square. They built him on the project of talented architects from Switzerland - Morgan and Degelo, in 2000. The museum is located in which the main part of the exhibits make up the works of contemporary art, and the preference is given to the sculpture. Here, in one of the beauties - exhibition halls (and there are seven pieces here), there is a very rich collection of Prince Liechtenstein, which is one of the largest collections in the world. To go inside the room and admire the unique exhibits, you will have to pay for the entrance ticket for an adult visitor 12 Swiss francs (the country is so small that there is not even its currency). Children under 16 are free of charge. The museum has been working all week except Monday. Opening hours: from 10.00 to 17.00 hours.

State Museum of Liechtenstein / Litechtensteinisches Landesmuseum

Thanks to the prince of Johann, the country appeared its National Museum, the exhibits of which tell visitors about the history of the region, starting with prehistoric times. Here you can see with your own eyes the various items, the age of which is dated to the bronze age. There are also rarities of the Times of the Great Roman Empire. These are mostly an old weapon, armor, the objects of the peasant life, are in the museum and artistic works belonging to the medieval aristocracy. At the beginning of the founding of the collection, she was exhibited in the princely castle, but after moving there with a married couple, the museum had to look for another place. After a long peripetia, in 2003, the museum found his refuge at: Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Stadtle, 43. The entrance ticket for an adult is 8 francs, children under 16 are free of charge. Monday - day off, other days workers: from 10.00 to 17.00.

Postal Museum of Liechtenstein / Briefmarkenmuseum / Postmuseum Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Stadtle, 37 (in the Pupil area) - at this address is very popular among numerous tourists, the museum. The country found his niche in the global economy - the sale and release of very rare postage stamps is the main income of Liechtenstein, therefore, the collection of the museum is such a huge interest. Here are the philatelists of the entire planet to admire very rare specimens. Oddly enough, but the entrance to the museum is completely free. Opening hours: Daily, opening time - 10.00 hours, from 12.00 to 13.00 break, closing time - 17.00 hours.

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