Rest in Ottawa: Useful Information


Ottawa, unlike other major megacities of Canada, a quiet, calm and very cozy city, despite its capital status. However, even in such a calm and multicultural city there are nuances and norms of behavior, which, if you do not know about them, can spoil holidays. And that this does not happen, it makes sense to designate them.

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one. Despite the fact that in Canada, two official languages, most of the citizens of the English-speaking, so that the language barrier when communicating with the staff of hotels, restaurants or simply with passersby on the street, subject to the knowledge of the English language at least at the level of the average.

2. Tips in Ottawa must be left necessarily, because the principle of payroll staff (couriers, waiters, bartenders and others) is calculated from the fact that half of money they will receive from customers in the form of tips, and not from the employer. So do not give on tea, it is equal to the fact that it is offended by a person. Moreover, you can even hear the phrase: "You definitely do not plan to pay tips?" There will be a level of tip. If the couriers for the delivery of food will be enough to give 10%, then the waiters in the restaurant should be given 15, the same amount should be given and bartenders. Taxists will quite enough will be enough to give 10 percent of the amount on the meter and you can still throw a couple of dollars if it actively helped you with a luggage.

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3. Ottawa The capital is a very high-tech country and there are no special problems with the Internet. In most hotels, cafes and restaurants there are points with free Wi-Fi. He is in most parks, however, in the parks, the speed leaves much to be desired due to a large number of users, so it will be problematic to contact Skype or Viber. Call by phone, best not using roaming, as this is quite expensive pleasure. Better to acquire a tourist SIM card or, more profitable, to use payphones, which are quite a lot in the city. Payment in them is carried out on telephone cards selling printing kiosks or tobacco shops. In this case, the cost of the call to Russia will be approximately 80 rubles per minute of conversation.

four. Largely due to the fact that Ottawa is a multinational city, the locals are very friendly to foreigners. Nowhere and from anyone (in person, or on numerous forums on the network) have never had complaints about the fact that the citizens refused to help or inadequately reacted to one request.

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five. The ban on smoking in public places in Ottawa is present, however, it is less rigid than in the neighboring US, not to mention the "Dragon" prohibitions operating in most countries in Europe. However, before visiting any establishment of the catering, it makes sense to pose a question about the availability of smoking in it.

6. According to police reports, Ottawa is a very calm city, and the fact that in 2010 the city occupied the 17th place in the world in terms of personal safety. But with all this, pocket thefts are not uncommon here, so do not wear money in places available for attackers. Yes, and in the working outskirts of the city go to proudly loneliness is not recommended, while in the central streets you can easily move even late at night, especially since they are always lively and crowded.

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7. Sale of alcohol in Ottawa is carried out exclusively in special stores of the LCBO state network (there is still a couple of smaller networks) and only persons who have reached the 19th age. So if you want to buy it, then it will be necessary to have either a passport, or his certified copy. In addition, alcohol prices can differ significantly depending on the time of day (day / night). There is also a strict ban on drinking alcoholic beverages on the street, it is impossible to drink even beer. An open bottle of alcohol on the street, in Ottawa means instant arrest with subsequent sanctions.

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eight. It is worth remembering that in North America, the voltage in sockets is 110W, and Ottawa in this case is no exception. So before the trip it is worth stock adapters for your electronic devices. Well, if you still forgot them, you can buy them in local stores or ask for a reception center.

nine. And the last, small, but very useful nuance. In Ottawa stores there are a very interesting and pleasant service for the delivery of goods. For a small fee, the messenger will deliver your purchases to the place assigned to you and time. A very convenient option, allowing tourists not to drag with packages around the city and lightly inspect the sights.

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