What time is it better to rest in La Spice?


La Spice is located on the Ligurian coast in a very picturesque bay. The second name of the Ligurian region is the Italian Riviera. Many know the French Riviera and the Swiss Riviera, but the Italian is fearlessly less, nevertheless the climate and the atmosphere on three rivices are quite similar. Ligurian Mountains protect this region it is cold winds, and the warm flow of Gulf Stream is quite close, so that thanks to this very soft here, so you can rest here all year round, the only spring is quite rainy here. We spent in La Spices in mid-April 5 days and for all this time they saw only one sunny day, or was it just so lucky?

What time is it better to rest in La Spice? 7518_1

Although in principle, even though rainy, but warmly from the beginning of May to mid-October, the temperature lasts approximately 23-27 degrees, so it is not very hot, but not cold. Sea temperature is also probably 20, only here in La spices, tourists do not bathe, there are no equipped beaches and places for lazy rest under the sun, the main part of the coastline is occupied by water vehicles. In winter, the temperature here is not even lowered to 0 degrees, keeps at 4-6 degrees above zero, so the change of seasons is not so felt here. In the spring from mid-March to May, it's rains and days are sufficiently cloudy. Thanks to this successful geographical location and, accordingly, the gentle climate region is very green with excellent juicy landscapes.

You can come to rest here almost at any time of the year, there is no very cold, but the most optimal option from late May until the end of September, when it is already warm enough, sunny and dry. It will not work out anyway, but you will be able to enjoy wonderful landscapes and bright summer colors. By the way, here every house and courtyard as a small fortress with its forever green garden, it is so interesting to walk along the streets of the suburbs and admire small green gardens even with cloudy and gray weather.

What time is it better to rest in La Spice? 7518_2

I hope you are lucky more on a trip than we and you will be remembered by sunny vests and you will enjoy it in beauty, especially his picturesque embankment, which, I am sure, with dry weather on a lot more attractive.

What time is it better to rest in La Spice? 7518_3

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