St. Konstantin and Elena resort complex - a great place for a relaxing family holiday


The beaches of the resort complex of St. Constantine and Elena are located on the shores of a very picturesque bay located between the Golden Sands Varna and the resort.

St. Konstantin and Elena resort complex - a great place for a relaxing family holiday 7511_1

On the beaches - small quartz sand. The length of the beach strip is approximately 3 kilometers, but its width is relatively small - only 50, and in some places up to 80 meters.

St. Konstantin and Elena resort complex - a great place for a relaxing family holiday 7511_2

Sea bottom in these places sandy, relatively hollow, there are no sharp drops of depths.

The beach area surrounds the most beautiful green park, it is notable for the fact that in it in large numbers there, then mineral springs are located.

St. Konstantin and Elena resort complex - a great place for a relaxing family holiday 7511_3

It is noteworthy that water from some of these sources flows directly into the sea, so even in the winter cold the coast here is very friendly and relatively warm. Yes, and sea water on these beaches is a great content of useful minerals.

I have a lot of pleasant impressions from visiting this resort, excellent nature is remembered, and forest coolness to the marine breeze, and the abundance of greens, and, of course, local hospitality, distinguishing this resort for a long time.

St. Konstantin and Elena resort complex - a great place for a relaxing family holiday 7511_4

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