What is worth viewing in Tuapse?


The name of the city means "two rivers". Tuapse is always happy to meet vacationers. This is one of the most beloved tourists of the resorts of the Black Sea coast.

Here are wonderful climatic conditions throughout the three months of the summer and two more - during the velvet season. The resort is suitable for family holidays, and for relaxing in the company with friends.

People settled in these places three hundred thousand years ago. However, the most impressive trail left those tribes that they lived here in about three thousand years before our era. After them left here Dolmen. that have been preserved until now and are the tourist attraction of the city.

Nowadays, Tuapse is a developed city with modern infrastructure, there is a minor amount of indigenous population. Sanatoriums are located on the coast, sectors of forest and agriculture are developing here. It is believed that in this city the largest number of Armenian population, compared to other cities located on the Black Sea. Formally, in Tuapse, there is no separation into areas, but the local residents still distinguish between some of them - for example, the central part of the city they are called "Center".

That part of the Tuapse, which lies in the north-west, in the lower course of the River Spider, often called "Primorye". If you want to look at the Tuapse from above, you can go to the so-called "star" part of the city. It is against the central, from the other side of the river. The latter in the list of districts is "Kalarash". Despite the fact that his name sounds not very familiar for a Russian person, this area is a very prestigious and environmentally friendly area.

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Sights of the resort Tuapse

If you come to relax in this city, start your first walk on Primorsky Boulevard . You see the meeting of the marine element and the city. On one side of the port stretches the sea, and on the other - the luxurious greens of urban streets.

One of the main notebooks of Tuapse is Gorka Heroes . This place is located next to the marine station, it can be found in the monument to "Unknown Soldier" and Eternal Flame. Below, straight under them, there is a staircase.

With this staircase, passing by a couple of overview paragraphs, you can get to the top - here is the local Historical Museum . It works throughout this is more than six decades. Close range is the dolmen, which is approximately four thousand years.

In Tuapse, you can see many monuments dedicated to the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War. One of them is fountain having a romantic name "Stone Flower".

However, the victory of the Soviet people over the fascist invaders noted here not only by the monuments - in 2000 in the open Museum of Defense Tuapse . This event is quite natural, if we take into account that approximately ten thousand bombs dropped the war on Tuapse, and the number of those killed during the defense of the city - more than forty thousand people.

Most of the urban buildings were destroyed, only five percent of buildings were preserved. The museum institution has a map showing the location of the troops of the Soviet Union and the troops of the Wehrmacht. The museum contains an exhibition in which about fifty thousand items are represented, which are related to the events of the Great Patriotic War.

In Tuapse is also located Monument to the Esming "Kerch " It has a shape of a huge piece of sandstone with Admiralty anchor. This monument indicates one of the most famous events during the First World War: the team of this ship flooded two other friendly - so that they could not capture the enemy. After that, the crew was flooded with his destroyer, and then united with the troops of the Red Army.

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The beauty of the city of Tuapse is captured by the painter A. Kiselev. He wrote more than eight hundred works, his paintings are in the Russian Museum and in the Tretyakov Gallery. The city has a building where he rested and worked. Here you can see a large number of its works and other things.

Other attractions include Tuapse are waterfalls, mountains and beaches.


A waterfall, having a height of thirty-three meters, is located on a treated stream - the influx of the local River Tuapse. Close to it there is a sightseeing area with which you can see a picture of a raging and rumbling element.

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Passing a little further in the flow, you can observe another waterfall - but smaller.

The true power of the element is visible on the Karakulka River, which is located next to the Athappostik station. The local waterfall has a height that exceeds ten meters. Of particular interest here - not in the waterfall itself, but in a walled well, which remains from the effects of the water mass, it has eight meters wide and thirteen - in length.

You can go on a tour of the headwaters of the local River Psekups. You are here to see a large waterfall of thirty-meters high and several small, having a height from three to eight. Approximately the same can be observed on another river - a big dog. The most noteworthy places are on a large distance from the railway - approximately sixteen kilometers from Art. Afopostik, however, those who will not be afraid of the distance will not regret it.

A large height difference can be observed not only on some river, but also in the stream. As an example, blue waterfalls can be brought, which is located on the creek deterkoy. This note is located from the southern edge in the village of Turkey, which is located at a distance of eight kilometers from Art. Krivenkovskaya. The waterfalls obtained their name due to the color of clay, which here comes to the surface.

The mountains

The resort of Tuapse from all sides is surrounded by mountains. Semigladia Mountain, which is rather a mountain massif, stretched for four kilometers, it has seven vertices height from 1352 to 1453 m. The mountains are attractive to visitors thanks to natural beauties, bizarre plants and century trees.


Close to the city you can see several of these ancient megaliths. One is next to Jungba. Along with large sizes, it has an impressive age - about five thousand years.

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