What are the interesting places worth visiting on the island of Barbados?


Barbados each of us is associated exclusively with high-quality beach holidays, good fish restaurants and upscale hotels. However, always after a couple of three days, even the tortured tourist, wants some entertaining and cognitive program. Permanent lying on the beach sooner or later comes. On the island of Barbados, there are certainly some crazy and extreme entertainment for tourists, usually similar things are more characteristic of the mainland resorts than island. But, I do not want to upset those who have already tuned to the trip to this distant point of the world, of course there are interesting places there, let them not too much, but something from the proposed you will like it.

1. Barbados Wildlife Reserve - Very interesting place that will appeal to both adults and children. Here animals are not sitting in cells, but are in their own natural environment. If you do not do sharp movements, let it not be to scare them, especially curious can go closer to a closer acquaintance. Here lives a large number of animals among them: peacocks, Aguti, Mazama, Turtles, Pelicans. Most often on your way there will be particularly friendly-minded green martyrs. Despite the harmless look, it is better not to touch them, there were cases when they bite tourists for the finger. Better look at these funny animals from the side. The opening hours of the reserve from 10-00 to 17-00. The cost of entry for adults is $ 15, and for children 7 dollars.

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Barbados wild nature reserve - Green Martyski.

2. Folkstone underwater park - Great place for experienced divers and just fans swim with mask and las. It is in this place that there is a sunken cargo ship the times of World War II "Staplekit", a beautiful coral reef formed near it, where a large number of divers stretches every day. In the process of swimming, you can go to dry, eat in a local cafe, as well as visit the Museum of Natural History. Opening hours from 09-00 to 17-00, the museum on the weekend does not work.

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Underwater world of the Folkstone underwater park.

3. Museum of Sahara - This is a valid plant for the production of sugar. Now there is no one such enterprise on the island, but it all started from here. By visiting this museum, you will tell you how and what sugar is produced. And how differs the production of this valuable product in those times from today.

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Museum of sugar.

4. Mill Morgan Lewis - This is one of the old buildings for processing sugar cane preserved to this day. From December to April here, especially interested tourists, clearly show how sugar was produced before.

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Mill Morgan Lewisa

5. Factory Malibu. "All known, and many favorite Liquor" Malibu "produce exactly here - on Barbados. By visiting this factory, you will be able to see the process of making this famous drink, and at the end to purchase a couple of bottles on a very tempting price directly from the manufacturer. Opening hours on weekdays from 09-00 to 15-45.

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Malibu factory.

6. Mount Gay Roma Factory - Everyone knows that Barbados Roma Roma. It was here that this sturdy drink appeared for the first time. A brand that produces Rom today is called - Mount Gay Rum. One of the leaders in the market. Resting on Barbados you will have a unique chance, see the production of Roma, how it is manufactured from what. What is the difference between this drink from the one that was in the 18th century. After, such a cognitive excursion, the factory guests lead to a tasting hall, where you can personally try rum, the main thing is not to get involved, and if you wish to purchase.

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Mount Gay Roma Factory.

7. Royal Park - The park itself is not particularly noteworthy, located in Bridgetown. However, it is in him that there is a gigantic millennium Baobab, which can grab 15 people with hands. Maybe this will be interesting not all, but especially interested in it makes sense to look here.

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Giant baobab.

8. Harrison Cave - Place deserving special attention. This is a whole underground world, insanely beautiful. The cave is completely highlighted, so you can see stalactites, stalagmites, miniature underground waterfalls and lakes, as well as volatile mice. Excursion takes about 1.5 hours. Going here is worth capturing warm things with you. Opening hours from 09-00 to 16-00. Cost for adult 30 dollars, for children 15 dollars.

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Cave Harrison

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