Where to go to Iguazu and what to see?


Despite the long flight and substantial financial costs, the journey in Foz de Iguazu will give a lot of emotions and impressions. A quiet and peaceful town keeps invaluable treasures in their surroundings. Their inspection will be rich and memorable.

From the city center for 2.6 Real by bus can be reached Park Iguazu . It is in this place that the main natural attraction is Foza de Iguasu - Waterfalls. Paying 42 Real for the entrance ticket, the tourists fall to the first observation site on the two-storey bus. Further walk through the picturesque paths and enjoyment of impressive species of waterfalls. On the viewing platforms, the attention of tourists will attract funny noseching animals. They are suitable for tourists without fear and raise food. Given this, it is worth grabing something edible with me. Although in the park and extended ads prohibiting animal feeding.

Where to go to Iguazu and what to see? 7507_1

275 Cascades in the form of horseshoe will open for travelers in the park. Most waterfalls have a height of 60-70 meters, but some reaches a height of 82 meters. With separate viewing sites overlooking the two-tier water flows. The central waterfall is considered to be a devil's throat. Its width is 150 meters. In addition, he is right on the border of Brazil and Argentina. By bridges, you can go straight into his heart. Pre-at the entrance should buy a raincoat. In this place, it is accurately useful. From the harness of the devil on the elevator, you can climb up and on the bus back to the entrance to the park. The whole walk takes 3 hours.

Over the waterfall you can fly by helicopter. There is such a pleasure of 220 reals per person. The helicopter platform is right at the entrance to the park.

It is also possible to make an alloy on rubber boats in close proximity to falling water. It is called such entertainment Safari Safari (Macuco Safari). Only the most insane crishes are solved on it.

Without leaving far from the waterfalls, you can visit another remarkable place - PARQUE DAS AVES) . Having bought a ticket for 25 reals in this unique place you can see reptiles, butterflies, spiders and more than 900 birds. The raisin of the park is a variety of vegetation and the ability to freely enter the enclosures to many birds. Children to lead it hard from the park. Pink flamingos and tucanis fond of small visitors for a long time.

Where to go to Iguazu and what to see? 7507_2

Some tourists prefer visits ITAIPU DAM hydroelectric power plants . It is located on the River Parana on the border of Brazil and Paraguay. Before walking along a dam, visitors are offered to watch a film in the center of HPP visits. After that, tourists on buses are delivered to the top of the dam. Opening from the observation deck, the species causes delight and admiration. It costs all this pleasure of 26 reals for an adult and 13 reals for the child. Inspect the hydroelectric station can be every day from 8:00 to 16:00. The duration of the excursion one and a half hours. On Fridays and Saturdays at 21:00, a light show is arranged on a hydroelectric power plant. For 15 reals, visitors can enjoy the beauty and magnitude of ITAPA, which is illuminated by a variety of lights.

Where to go to Iguazu and what to see? 7507_3

You can get to the HPP from Avenida Brazil Street by bus for 6 reals.

Next door to the dam is located ECOMUSEU) . It stores archaeological finds and a significant collection of plant exhibits is collected. On the territory of the museum in natural conditions live a variety of animals. You can admire them during the walk of 2 km trail or trips on a tourist bus. You can visit this place from Tuesday to Sunday from 8:30 to 15:30. A walk in the eco-mea will take 2 hours and will cost 20 real.

Where to go to Iguazu and what to see? 7507_4

There is a biological center at AV Presidente Tancredo Neves, 6001. Its inspection is easiest to combine with a visit to the HPP.

Be sure to visit Restaurant Rafain. . This institution will surprise you an unusually colorful and incendiary show program. The spectacle begins at around 21:00 and lasts just over two hours. The program of the show includes performances of the capoeira fighters, the execution of the samba and the Argentine tango, as well as a small carnival. A ticket to Churrascaria Show costs 90 reals, drinking is paid separately.

Considering that the city stands on the border of three countries, travelers must certainly get on Bridge of International Friendship (Ponte Internacionais Da Amizade) And make a memorable photo. Such an opportunity will be available on the way to waterfalls or park of birds.

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