How much money do you need to rest in Injek?


When planning an independent trip, you need to carefully approach all questions, otherwise your rest can not only do it quite expensive, but not entirely as you imagined it, because there can always be a different kind of nuances that need to be considered. Some believe that it is easier to buy a ticket and not to score their heads, since the choice of tours and companies today is just a huge. On the one hand, it is certainly true, but in this case you can not always be delighted with rest, as those descriptions that tourist companies are given when selling the tickets, do not always correspond to reality, and I think it will agree with this most of the tourists who fell into such situations. With an independent travel, you yourself have the right to choose a hotel, its living and service, food, beach, period and period of residence, and so on. In other words, you can adjust the rest for yourself and do not depend on the various factors that are associated in the event of a rest. Let's try to estimate how much a ten-day vacation in the resort of an injectory for two people in the midst of the season, that is, July or August month, although if you are going to travel without children of school age, I advise you to plan holidays on the second half of September, since this is the most favorable time at this resort.

How much money do you need to rest in Injek? 7482_1

First of all, it concerns the road, or rather the flight, since it is one of the main costs. An example will be departing from Moscow. There are also your moments. The cost of the flight may depend on many factors. For example, at the moment there is an advertising company about the flight from Antalya to Moscow for one hundred dollars, that is, both finished two hundred dollars. I will not discuss such options as they may not act always, and take the cost of the flight flight from Moscow to Antalya and back, which is eleven thousand rubles, which is about three hundred dollars. But Antalya Airport is not the only one, which is located near the resort. There is one more, it is a gaspaste, which is located even much closer to the Inzhkum. For information, I can say that the Antalya airport is about one hundred kilometers, and the Gazipasp is about sixty. But here are mainly committing charter flights, so such a question must also work.

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Next you need to get to the incess of the airport itself. Since I take into account Antalya, then the following will be. Taxis to the Ingile will cost a little expensive, about dollars one hundred and twenty. You can order a transfer, but it will also cost in the area of ​​ninety or one hundred dollars, so we will take a ride on the bus. From the airport in Antalya there is only one city bus, number 600, which can be reached right to the bus station. It is fare from two dollars. There are two bus station from which you can reach Alanya, or rather an ingreda, which is located, without reaching twenty kilometers to Alanya. So, the bus number 600 drives one of them, and the second is the final stop of his route. The first, it is a small bus station located almost on the departure from Antalya towards Alanya, literally minutes five or ten from the airport, so it is better to go with it. Travel to Ingreen will cost approximately eight dollars, that is, taking two dollars paid earlier, two dollars, respectively, twenty for two. So, one and a half or two hours are in place, now you need to take a hotel if you did not book from home.

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It makes sense to advise one or another, because everyone has their own tastes, and the choice is big, one thing I want to say that you choose four or five stars, there is no need, usually stop in two or three stars in the independent journey. The cost of this hotel is an average of sixty dollars per day, per room for two people, including breakfast.

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There are those with breakfast and dinner, but for an additional fee and lunch, but it is already necessary to negotiate in the hotel itself. If you are satisfied with this option, then for God's sake.

Based on the fact that you settled at the hotel only with breakfast, and your plans are not included with a few extra kilograms, you still have to resolve a question with dinner and dinner. Some buy products and prepare themselves, what they want, as some hotels have special rooms with a kitchen. This option will be very economical, since food in supermarkets inexpensive and ten days for two will take away a maximum of two hundred dollars. But then, in this case, it makes no sense to take the hotel, and it is cheaper to rent a furnished apartment, which will be twice as cheaper than the hotel.

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As for nutrition in one of the numerous ingred restaurants, on average lunch or dinner costs six to twelve dollars. 3Whits for two will succeed in about forty dollars a day.

As for the beaches, it will have to pay if you want to use a chaise longue and an umbrella, if not, then there will be no costs.

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Small spending on ice cream or beer is already a separate story, so it makes no sense to consider it too. Shopping or trips to excursions are also dependent on your desire.

I brought these prices, pushing off from those that act at the height of the season, because at the beginning or end, that is, April-May and October-November, accommodation may be lower. And this is what we did in the end of the expenses on the road, living and the food of two people, for a period of ten days of rest in Ingreen, based on averages.

Flight - 600 dollars.

Travel in both ends - $ 40.

Hotel accommodation is 600 dollars.

Food in a restaurant - 400 dollars.

It turns out $ 1640. And if you consider accommodation in the private sector, with independent meals and prices for the flight with a discount or charter flight, it will be released about 940 dollars. It is quite a real amount for ten days of rest, and if you consider that two more children come with you, then only the cost of the road is added and possible a little on food. Therefore, now many families, especially with a large number of children, prefer independent trips.

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