What excursions should go to Ottawa?


The capital of Canada is the fourth city in size in this country, as well as the sixth on the planet for the level of life. Otava is on the confluence of three rivers. Here, from a long time, there were meetings, negotiations and concluded trade transactions with local Indians.

In 1857, the British Queen Victoria appointed this city the capital of Canada, preferred to him in front of cities as Ontario and Quebec.

In Ottawa, more museum establishments than in any other city of Canada.

Every year in this city organizes more than sixty festivals - for example, in the summer you can visit the jazz festival, a festival dedicated to chamber music and blues. In addition, in the summer there is a festival of arts, Ferrari Festival. First of July, local residents are celebrated by the birthday of Canada. In the winter period, Winterlude is organized - a holiday with ice and snow figures, and the Mainer is the festival of tulips.

What excursions should go to Ottawa? 7479_1

In this article, consider excursions to the Canadian capital - Ottawa

Festival "Jane's Walk" and free excursions

The third and fourth may this year in this Canadian city organizes the Jane's Walk festival. It is carried out every year, and in the program of this event - the organization by local residents of free excursions in the city for tourists. This festival will be held on the sixth time, it is expected that five thousand people will participate in it.

This event was obtained thanks to the famous local actor, Sociologist Jane Jekobs, who fought for the population association and whose merit is to develop many relevant programs. Within the framework of the festival, local lovers guides will show all those who want to be seen as they see, will hold tourists with their favorite routes. They will be offered about thirty diverse tours around the city, in English and French, they will be held from 09:00 to 15:00 daily during the festival. Tourists will be on the organic farm in the central part of the city, in the art quarter, in an ancient abandoned church and in many other places where local guides are rolled.

All free excursions will have a duration of thirty minutes to two hours.

Ottawa sightseeing tour: "Classic"

By time, the journey takes three hours, the price for a tourist group to three people - $ 160 on your car, $ 200 - on our.

With the help of our guides, you will get acquainted with the history and tourist notes of the Canadian capital. We will visit the parliamentary hill, or (Parlement Hill). Take advantage of a unique chance to see the Canadian Parliament and admire the building of the Fairmont Château Laurier Hotel!

You, in addition, visit the Parliamentary Tower of the world The Peace Tower and take a look at the city center of Ottawa, the river with the same name, the city of Gatineau, as well as the Muséum of Civilization Museum from the air pool.

Tower of the world:

What excursions should go to Ottawa? 7479_2

You will be told about why cats live in the Canadian parliament, you will also learn about the history of democratic progress in the country. They see the monuments in honor of the outstanding Canadian Prime Ministers, the residence of the State Prime Minister, as well as the House of Governor's General - Rido Hall, Governor General Résidence. You will be told about Lieutenant Colonel John Bae, you will see the Rideau channel, its gateways, you will tell you about the history of His appearance. You will be amazed by the magnificence of skill of the architects, erected by the NOTRE Dame Basilika Cathedral, as well as the National Art Gallery of Canada. The embassy of the United States of America will be shown, which was built in the form of a huge submarine, as well as the structure of the printed royal court, in which the Golden Coins of Canada is printed to this day. You will be able to visit the oldest in Ottawa Market - Byward Market, that until today, saves my design and your charm.

The program can be changed according to your wishes.


What excursions should go to Ottawa? 7479_3

You are encouraged to use the service provision of our car, in this case your attention will not be distracted by the road, and you will have the opportunity to spend all your time in Ottawa, dedicating it to acquaint him with the city and its remarkable places.

In the event that you ordered the excursion program in Ottawa from Montreal, with the subsequent return to this city - in time it will take eleven or twelve hours - then the price of a trip for one-three tourists by car, which we provide $ 320. If there are four or five people in the group - then you will go on the miniva, and the cost of the excursion will be 360 ​​dollars. The minivan has a loud connection and DVD.

City Tour

Price - 280 dollars. The excursion takes the time for the nine-ten hours and is held in Russian, French, German and English.

You are invited to visit the capital of Canada - Ottawa. Without a doubt, you will be fascinated by this quiet and tidy city that could save your unique image.

During a review tour of Ottawa, you will be given the opportunity to inspect the ensemble of government buildings built according to a neo-neutic style on a parliamentary hill, an interesting building of the National Gallery and Channel Rido, you will visit the famous Sussex-Drive Street - the location of the official residence of the Canadian Prime Minister, as well as Foreign embassies, visit the Embankment of the River Ottawa and in the huge park of Rido-Hall, which surrounds the residence of the state-governor.

After that, we cross the Ottawa River on the bridge in order to admire the magnificence of the main construction of the parliament, to see the Tower of Peace, the National Library, as well as the Chateau Laurage Hotel, which is similar to his appearance with an ancient castle. If you expand your desire, here we will visit one of the best museums in the country - the Canadian Museum of Civilization, in which we learn about the history of the state and cultures of the local indigenous population.

The excursion price includes a hotel meeting, transfer from your hotel and back, transportation costs, interpreter work. Not included in the price: nutrition, fee for entrance to the establishment of culture.

Enjoy your journey through the Canadian capital!

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