Season relaxing in Injekum. When is it better to go to the Injekum on vacation?


The injection is a rather popular resort, and thanks to the peculiarities of the local climate, with dry, hot summer and soft winter with plus temperatures, many hotels continue to work throughout the year. Some love to come in the winter when it's not hot on the street, and in citrus gardens surrounding the injection oranges and tangerines. Some citizens of European countries spend here all the winter months, although for the most part these are people of retirement age that are not tied to work or care about young children. But there are those who come at this time for health, when the roast summer sun is contraindicated, especially it concerns those who have undergone treatment of oncological diseases. And the robust pine trees growing in the area, make the ambient therapeutic and beneficial effect on the entire body. But of course, most tourists arrive in the summer, when you can not only breathe full of breasts and admire the local beauties, but also spend time on the beach, sunbathing and bathing in the Cote d'Azur.

Season relaxing in Injekum. When is it better to go to the Injekum on vacation? 7471_1

Lovers of such rest are beginning to come from the second half of April, since it is at this time those hotels that closed for the winter begin to open. The arrivals independently focus on the temperature indicators, as the weather can meet in different ways the beginning of the season, but they have no job in advance, there is no special choice, and it is necessary to be content with what is. For example, this season can be said that it started from the twenty-first of April, because before that time it was rather cool and for several days as really warmly and safely sunbathe. But, despite the weather whims, this period has its advantages. The first and most significant, it is the low cost of the tickets, especially with early booking, and in the case of self-travel, the low cost in the private sector or hotels that do not have certain agreements with travel companies and working on individual settlement or booking. This feature attracts a large number of youth, which is satisfied with the price and is not much frightened by weather instability. And besides this, a relatively low air temperature is a positive factor during trips along excursions related to visiting historical sites and ancient settlements found during archaeological excavations. Since all these attractions are open-air, their inspection during the time of the season, when the temperatures often exceed the forty-degree indicators, are not quite pleasant. For relaxation with young children, this time can also be viewed as an option, since a small number of holidaymakers and the lack of school-age children makes the resort more relaxed and spacious, both on site and the beach. Dissens only water temperature in the sea, which does not exceed twenty degrees until May.

Season relaxing in Injekum. When is it better to go to the Injekum on vacation? 7471_2

More expensive, at the expense of tourists from Russia becomes with the onset of May, since a long weekend for the period of May holidays, allow you to have a great rest, without resorting to the use of vacation days. This season can distinguish between the innovations of Turkish legislation on the timing of the passports of Russians who are slightly tightened, but will hope that tourist companies will find a common language with Turkish legislators and everyone will be able to relax during this period. The weather promises to be good, as the air is already quite warm, and the sea temperature exceeds nineteen degrees, it became, with the onset of May, the water warms the degrees to +22.

At the end of the holidays, there is a small lull, but by the end of May they begin to come resting with children who have ended with the school.

Season relaxing in Injekum. When is it better to go to the Injekum on vacation? 7471_3

June for such a contingent of tourists is an excellent period, since the air temperature is not so high, but the sea warms up with +24 to +27 degrees. In such water, it is possible to play for quite a long time, which is like children. Yes, and excursions can be safely planned, without fear to overheat in the sun. Such relatively low temperatures are kept until mid-July, after which the period of hot Mediterranean summer begins.

But, despite the high temperatures and the most expensive prices for the tickets, and the rental of real estate, the number of tourists does not decrease, but rather the opposite. But it is worth noting that sea coolness and the presence of a large amount of vegetation, slightly softens the heat, which in such conditions is not very felt. And on the other hand, it is possible to burn well without immediately understood it. Therefore, forget about the heads and creams from the tan. Temperature indicators Day are located in the area +35, although often, especially in August there are days above forty degrees. Even at night, the temperature may not be descended below + 28 + 30 degrees as a sea, which is in the same range, and sometimes higher. Such heat keeps at about the number of the tenth of September, after which a smooth decrease begins.

Season relaxing in Injekum. When is it better to go to the Injekum on vacation? 7471_4

As with the rest of the resorts of the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, the second half of September is the most pleasant period for recreation. No vain tourists with experience, which have repeatedly rested in Turkish resorts, try to get at this time, knowing about its advantages. In addition to the excellent temperature and sea temperature in September, the number of vacationers decreases, especially with children who create a bustle in the resort, from which it becomes more relaxed calmer and quieter. It should be noted that the prices of accommodation begins to fall since September, since a large number of rooms are released in small hotels, and the private sector lowers rental prices. And evenings become so pleasant that I want to walk until the morning. The sea until the end of the month does not fall below +26, which roughly corresponds to the evening air temperature. Such a period lasts until mid-October, after which some hotels begin to close. Despite the fact that it is still quite possible to relax, by the end of October, those hotels that do not work in winter, almost all closed. Tourists from the Baltic countries and Northern Europe continue to relax. If you do not go rains, then until the middle or even the end of November, you can safely sunbathe and swim in the sea, since water will not be lower than +22, and the air in the area of ​​+25 degrees.

Season relaxing in Injekum. When is it better to go to the Injekum on vacation? 7471_5

This is something like that weather can expect you to wait in the resort of the inject, as you can see the summer season there is quite a long time and you can safely pick up time for rest.

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