Shopping in Mexico City: What can I buy?


Everyone wants to bring home a memorable thing from the next journey. Tourists prefer that it would be a special thing, reflecting the flavor and identity of the country, where it was purchased. That is why, only stepped on Mexico City Earth, you should begin to look after memorable gifts and souvenirs for all friends and relatives.

The ideal option for acquiring tourist trifles can be two places. Before the first can be reached by metro station to Baldras. This is an inexpensive souvenir market of Siudadel (Ciudadela). Here you can find many bright items with folk motifs. Merchants will begin to persuade to buy an intricate mask for only 200 peso or a cute skeleton for the singer of a penny (50-250 peso). The market has a large selection of statuettes, plates and handmade decorations.

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The next place is the kayoacan market, hidden in a two-story building. A large selection of jewelry and leather bags will impress the female half of the travelers. In this place, you can not only buy a figurine of Aztec, but also make an unusual tattoo.

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More expensive is the Sabado Folk Field Market (Bazar de Sábado). It is located on San Hasinto Square in the San Angel area. Craftsmen and artists exhibit their work on sale only on Saturdays from 10:00 to 14:00 in tents around the market. In turn, the merchants are placed inside the building. All counters are filled with unusual and sophisticated things. You can look after silver products, figurines, bright bags and many other things. Sugar heads became a strange goods for me. As it turned out, they are given to pretty people or those who have trouble. Such a gift helps to survive everything faster and establish business. There is a sugar head of 40-50 pesos.

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A cafe is working in the courtyard of the market.

One of the Mexican souvenirs is chocolate . In Mexico City, his many species. It is difficult to resist and not buy delicious sweets and sweets. Especially when you get to the chocolate boutique TOOT CHOCOLAT. The range of products in this place is huge, but nevertheless you can buy even one candy for only 1 peso. Works boutique around the clock without days off.

I am famous for Mexico City Silver products . Literally on every corner all sorts of silver ribbons are sold. With street merchants should be careful. Quite often their product turns out to be a fake. If you want to buy an interesting decoration, then it is better to do this in a specialized store. The largest silver store is considered Taxco Silver. Here you can see how jewelers make decorations in front of the buyers.

Those who purposefully arrived in Mexico shopping should go to the Kondes area in the west of the city. In this part of Mexico, many expensive boutiques, jewelry and antique shops. It is in the area where the store of Mexican designer Carmen Rion. Her dresses feminine and beautiful, but stand from several tens of thousands of pesos. You can spend money in Antara Polanco shopping center on Avenida Ejercito Nacional, 843. Located in the center of clothing stores, shoes and electronics start working from 11:00. There are boutiques of famous brands and many restaurants and bars.

Even non-breaking tourists bring home from Mexican travel bottle Meskale . From Tequila, this drink is characterized by the fact that it can be made not only from Blue Agava, but also of any other variety of this plant. Buy Mescal follows in supermarkets. In stores at the hotel, a bottle of alcohol usually costs 50-70% more expensive. The highest price of the Mescal bottle was 250 pesos.

In all the city markets, you can safely bargain. For locals, trading is not just a way of earning, but also a lifestyle. They warmly perceive communication with tourists and after a small bargaining discount the price by 20-25%.

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