When is it better to rest on Phuket?


Gathering on vacation in Thailand, someone does not even think about what the weather will be at this time in the resort, believing that there is always something in Tae than to take yourself, except for a beach holiday. Those who go here to warm up on the warm sun, are suitable for this issue more judicially. Do not forget that in different parts of Thailand in the same months, the weather may be very different.

On Phuket, as well as everywhere in Thailand, you can highlight two main season: high and low. Of course, such a classification is not entirely true, as it rather reflects the attendance of the island by tourists.

High or dry season lasts, as a rule, from November to May. At this time, beach recreation lovers come to the island. Especially attractive for Russians are December, January and February. It's a pleasure to warm up in the sun, when the homeland holds forty-graduate frosts. By the way, despite the fact that the beginning of the dry season at Phuket is referred to November, this month, pouring rains are still possible. December is the most ideal month for a beach holiday.

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The weather is dry, clear and almost windless. Day Thermometers show about 33 degrees, in the evening and at night about 26 degrees. The water temperature in the sea is about 28 degrees. January also pleases tourists of solar and windless weather. Only air and water temperature decreases slightly: literally for a couple of degrees. The probability of precipitation is also very small. Even the rain even begins, he goes very long, after which the sun looks off immediately. So special discomfort holidaymakers will not feel. In February and March increases the likelihood of rains with thunderstorms, and otherwise the weather is the same as in previous months. April is considered the most sultry month in Phuket. In his first half, the air temperature can reach 40 degrees. In the second half of April, the weather keeps overcast, frequent rains are possible. Since May, the rain season comes or a low season. For May, the weather is not characterized by the weather.

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In the middle of a solar clear sky, a thunder cloud may suddenly appear, which, however, suddenly and disappears. All other months of the rainy season are distinguished by warm, but cloudy weather with frequent, protracted rains, especially in August and in September. With the onset of October, the weather begins to improve, and in November a new tourist season begins.

Despite the fact that in a low season, holiday prices are significantly reduced, it should be remembered that Phuket is an island, so floods are more often in the rainy season than in the mainland of Thailand.

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So, those who are going to rest with young children, I advise you to save on this holiday so that I do not regret it later. Also in the rainy season, when the humidity of the air is high enough, the spread of various viruses is rapidly, and the risk increases to catch some roterus.

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Often it is also possible to hear that it is not always a long rain in a low season. As a rule, it costs pouring tropical rains. But here I'm lucky. However, in any case, water in the sea after precipitation will be muddy, and the sand on the beach is wet. Therefore, if you still count on the perfect beach holiday, choose for him really "beach" months.

By the way, those who are riding in Tai not only for the sake of the sun, is also unlikely to make the right excursion in the rain.

The low season will have to one way only fans of those water sports, in which a strong impusty wind is needed.

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