Manama: Useful information for tourists


Bahrain is one of the most liberal countries of the Islamic world, and largely due to the flow of those who want to relax in the capital of Manama. However, liberalism is liberalism, but still tourists must take into account local peculiarities and mentality of local residents, as elsewhere in the Middle East. It is about how to behave that the rest was successful and comfortable, let's talk later.

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- In general, on Manam, in particular, a very strong influence was provided by the Protectorate of Britain established on the island in 1871 and lasted until the second half of the last century. In this regard, English knows a fairly large number of local residents. So communication with the service personnel in hotels, restaurants and shops, with the presence of basic knowledge of this language near the tourist, will not cause any problems.

- Tips in Manama are considered the norm and in the overwhelming number of power institutions, they are automatically included in the account amount. The size is 10% familiar to many countries. However, in addition, a good tone is considered to leave a little more trivia to the waiter personally. It is always perceived with gratitude, regardless of how much you gave. The norm is also tip for taxi drivers, in this case, you just should not take the surrender, naturally in reasonable limits, or, it is necessary to pre-negotiate the cost of the trip. In this case, the price will already include tips. Porters and Swiss in hotels will be glad to teevish at 100-200 phils (approximately 10-20 rubles).

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- The manam employs two local cellular operators and both have roaming agreements with the Russian "Big Troika", however the cost of a conversation with a homeland or local calls exceeds $ 1.5-2 per minute, so it turns out very considerable to use its SIM cards. The optimal option is to buy a tourist SIM card before traveling or buy local arrival. In second case, the roaming component disappears and calls become 30-40 percent cheaper. But the most optimal option is to use the Internet bond. Free Wi-Fi is at least a third of local cafes and restaurants (see the Wi-Fi Free icon at the entrance), as well as a quarter of hotels in the city.

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- Despite relative liberalism, it is necessary to take into account that Islam is a state religion of the country, with all the nuances arising from here. When walking around the city or visiting local attractions, you must follow the dress code. Walking in excessively open clothing or a sports suit will be at a minimum of as a sign of disrespect and non-competitance, and as a maximum can cause a certain aggression towards you. Also in this form may not be allowed to excursion objects, in particular, in the mosque. By the way, visiting the mosques, in which there are praying, in no case cannot be bypassed their front, this is considered to be a serious insult to the feelings of Orthodox, only from behind.

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- Fans photograph or shoot on a video camera, it is necessary to remember that it is strictly forbidden to remove the residence of the king, it is forbidden to remove within many cult buildings, and before photographing the residents of Manama, it is necessary to ask permission. In 90 percent of cases, you will not refuse it. However, sometimes they may ask for a symbolic remuneration.

- Alcohol, despite the fact that Manama is the capital of the Islamic Kingdom, sold relatively freely, but it is expensive. However, it is possible to use it in a small number of restaurants, or that we are familiar to our tourists, in the hotel room. Alcohol after purchase it is necessary to remove in bags or opaque packages. To pace around the city with unpacked bottles, not accepted. In general, it is better to buy alcohol with you in the Duty Free upon departure.

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- No smoking on the streets, there are no special restrictions, although it is not approved. But in all closed public places, public transport and even in private cars, if children are present in them, smoking is categorically prohibited.

- Manama is considered one of the safest cities in the world and crime against tourists, here is very rare. However, lonely girls go to Bahrain, and other Islamic countries are not recommended due to local traditions. It is also worth being attentive in the markets and in other places of the cluster of people, because pockets and minor scammers, even in this safe city.

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