What time is it better to go to your holiday in Egypt?


Egypt year-round direction and many tourists do not even think when it is better to fly there. However, as in any other country there is its own seasonality. Sunbathing and bathe really in Egypt can be in any month, but not everyone will be comfortable. This is especially true of families with children before buying a ticket to this forever sunny country, it's worth pursuing what the weather will be there at this time, will you not fall in the period of cold winds when leaving the sea, you can instantly sleep and all the charm from the trip will turn into one solid negative. Usually, precisely at this time, the most attractive prices for trips and often, many are underway, without thinking, but in connection with which such discounts.

What time is it better to go to your holiday in Egypt? 7456_1

What time in Egypt is best suitable for a comfortable stay.

The velvet season in Egypt is autumn: September, October and November. It is in these months a very gentle, warm sun. No burning effect on the skin. The sea is about +25 degrees. With children at this time, resting best, as a rule, it turns out, because this period falls on the days of school holidays and many parents take their children to the shores of the Red Sea. But that is characteristic of this time this is high prices for vouchers, since the demand for Egypt becomes very high. I would even advise you to book a tour in advance at this time, otherwise it may simply do not be plane tickets and numbers in the desired hotel.

When you should not fly to Egypt.

Winter in Egypt is not as in Russia, but dry and warm. The climate is very soft. But it is at this time that there is a large contrast between the daily and night temperatures. In the afternoon, for example, the air temperature in the sun warm up to +35, but with the arrival of the evening there comes coolness, about +15 degrees. It seems not cold, but against the background of such strong contrast, not very pleasant. Another unpleasant moments become cold winds that can sang a beach vacation. Coming out of the sea, you freeze at the same second. And the sea in winter in Egypt is cool, about +20. During this period, it is not necessary to fly to warm-blood tourists who love to fry in the sun, I relate to this group and families with children. Children against the background of such temperature contrasts and cold winds can instantly begged. In winter, the prices of Egypt are the lowest, especially in December and in February. January is usually more expensive at the expense of New Year's holidays, many citizens of Russia and not only prefer to celebrate New Year abroad and Egypt is one of the favorite countries for this.

Spring in Egypt.

This time can be called very hot, the sun is evil and getting a burn can be very easy, despite the fact that the spring in Egypt is often cloudy, but it does not save. The sea is already becoming comfortable +23 ... + 25 degrees. But here, April and May, we count very hot months, in addition, hot sandy wind is constantly beginning to come from the desert - "Hamsin". And it lasts about 50 days. As for prices for vouchers, they begin to rise and reach their maximum just to the May holidays.

What time is it better to go to your holiday in Egypt? 7456_2

"Hamsin" in Egypt.

Summer in Egypt: fly or not.

In the summer in Egypt, it is very hot, but due to the dry climate, such heat is still tolerated much more easier than Turkey in August with its humid climate. In addition, it was during this period from the coast of the Red Sea that a pleasant cool wind blows, because of this, many tourists begin to burn greatly, not feeling that they have already seriously heated on the summer scorching sun. At this time, it is worth being very careful, especially to follow the children, smearing the highest protection with sunscreen, even in the shade and wear a headdress on the head. It was in the summer in Egypt, most tourists receive a sunshine, without waiting. The same time as a whole is not bad for recreation. Tours prices are slightly lower than on Europe, Turkey, etc. Therefore, do not go to Egypt in the summer I do not see as such serious reasons.

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