Meals in Mexico City: Prices where to eat, what to try?


In Mexico City, many cafes offer a very convenient nutrition system - Comida Corrida. . Its essence is that for a fixed price you can select a menu with several options for the first, second dish or dessert. Such nutrition resembles a well-known business lunch to many tourists. On average, such a comprehensive lunch costs 45-70 pesos and is served throughout the day.

It should be noted that a salad or a garnish from Potato Fries or legumes is supplied to the second dish. You should not refuse yourself to try the first dish in the ability, since the local soups are low-calorie and have a light taste.

All Mexican dishes are prepared with an excess of spices. It is worth considering when you order food for a child. The staff of the cafe or restaurant will react to the request to make a softer dishes for the baby.

In restaurants Mexico City, food begins with dessert and fruit. Rate the main dish at the end of the meal. Portions are often large enough. In the Bondy Restaurant I advise you to try extraordinarily delicious Enchiladas . These are cornpills stuffed with chicken and cheese, polished chili sauce top.

Listening to the Council of Mexican Music, a visit to the famous cafe Tacuba in the area of ​​Sokalo Square was canceled. As we were assured, in this popular institution you can only listen to stories about Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, or admire the interior. Order Mexican dishes are not worth it. Their taste is far from true national cuisine, and prices, to put it mildly, overestimated.

It is better to dine in the EL Bajio restaurant in the Kuitlauak area or Polanko. Delicious food. Good service. You can feed the child to feed and do not worry about the consequences. The average lunch account in this restaurant is 400 pesos. Plus tips in the amount of 10-15% of the account amount. So accepted in Mexico City. And in this case, these tips were deserved.

Fruits and vegetables can be purchased at local bazaars. At the same time, the exotic fruits for tourists are cheaper than apples familiar to us. Guava costs 12 pesos, and apples 34 pesos. So, you will have to be content with the pump and other exotic, and the apples can be seeded at home.

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Market counters are broken from various types of cacti.

Meals in Mexico City: Prices where to eat, what to try? 7454_2

How to cook this plant did not fail. However, tourists closely familiar with dishes from cacti without any problems will find all the ingredients in local bazaars. Special abundance of products are famous for the largest market for Mexico City La Merced Market . It is located in a large building near Sokalos Square at Rosario, 180. Sellers who are not intended inside the market lad out their goods directly on sidewalks. Also in this place the greatest accumulation of street food traders. You can get to the bazaar on the metro station to Merced.

Risk with street food in Mexico not advise. If you still decide to try sandwiches or unusual pellets Tamale , cooked on the street, then buy them best of tidy merchants. It will be quite appropriate to ask the advice from the guide if you enjoy such services where it is safer to buy street delicacies. In extreme cases, ask the hotel's staff, which street traders can buy food for snack.

My husband decided and in the area of ​​Kondes, I ordered a pellet with beans, pickled cactus and cheese. From above, she was politically spicy sauce. The price of such a masterpiece of national cuisine was 12 pesos. Everything went well, it was tasty, but we did not risk more.

With beer in Mexico City is very interesting. Variations of this drink are quite unusual and personally, the original synthesis of beer with additives slightly frightened. Brave tourists can taste beer from a green iron can. There is a low-alcoholic drink in it with salt and lime juice. A more extravagant drink is presented in a blue jar, where tomato juice, lemon, pepper and salt have been added to beer. There is such a pleasure of only 16 pesos.

Hungry in Mexico to stay very hard. Those who will not risk trying Mexican cuisine will always be able to find a cafe with European food.

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