What are the interesting places worth visiting in Perth?


Perth is the largest megalopolis southwestern part of Australia. The city spread on the shores of the Indian Ocean and essentially there is the capital of the Western state of the continent. Climatic conditions are just beautiful. Soft, moderate subtropical climate with rather hot summer and moderately cold winter.

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The city is striking with its beauty. Gorgeous nature, a lot of park areas of recreation in the heart of the city, kilometers of magnificent beaches give a megapolis of a kind of highlight. In addition to wonderful natural splendor, the city is rich in attractions that have gained glory to the city as a tourist.

There are a large number of stalls in the city where there are excursion tours, as well as similar suggestions can be purchased at a hotel or hostel where you actually stopped. But, at all, it is not necessary to buy excursions or personal tours to see all the sights of the city, some can be fully admired by their own. This method is no less interesting, besides a bit more economical.

I recommend to look at the multifaceted underwater world, presented by the Western Australian Aquarium. There is this miracle near the center of Perth, in Hillaryz Bath Bay.

The history of the creation of aquarium is interesting in itself, but no less interesting exposure presented in it. Visitors are represented by five independent sections that recreate all the variety of various ecosystems of the large southern coast, the coast of Perth, the coast of shipwrecks and the Far North.

Each exposition is beautiful in its own way. Blue, Sandy Skat, Cloown Fish, Crocodiles and Poisonous Stone-Stone, Inhabitants and "Heroes" Expositions of the Far North.

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Perth coast is represented by Caracatians and huge jellyfish on the background of coral deposits. The exposition is simply ambitious. Sand bays with underwater reefs, where among colorful corals, octopuses, huge lobsters coexist peacefully. The final appearance gives the "nonsense" sea skates, driving there and here somehow "aimlessly".

The exposition of the coast of shipwreck is represented by a unique Flora of the Indian Ocean. This is the ocean thunderstorm - shark, huge skates and turtles

A large southern coast is represented by the inhabitants of the cold, "gloomy" depths of the Southern Ocean. Mystical Sea Dragons, brightened by the beauty of gentle corals, riddling overflowing sea sponges, complement the beauty of the exposure, creating a more joyful atmosphere.

The aquarium highlight can be called Marmayon Marmajon. Here, anyone can swim with marine animals in a basin specially created for these purposes.

Price for a lot of pleasure $ 25. There is a discount, for children from 4 years - 14 dollars, and less than 4 years is quite free.

I would also like to recommend visiting the Western Australia Museum.

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This is a truly concentration of the cultural heritage of Perth. It is concentrated to 4 million different exhibits associated with the culture, life of local aborigines. About the history of the occurrence of culture in the museum tells one of the permanent exhibitions called "Earth and People of Western Australia". The objects of life, the weapons of hunting and the tools of the labor of the aborigines from the beginning of the nation of the nation to the present day are presented. Another of the permanent exhibitions reveals the history of Australia since the times of dinosaurs.

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The exhibition exhibits parts of the skeletons of the winged lizards and amphibian carnivorous.

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In several halls in the form of exhibits, the amazing nature of the continent is presented. Birds, butterflies, a lot of diverse insects, in one word - there is something to admire and what to see. A separate item in the museum is represented by cosmic subjects. Its interesting part of it is a meteorite weighing 11 kilograms and naturally stones from the Earth's satellite - Moon and stones from the planet Mars.

Children, viewing is organized a little different than adults. For children, cognitive views are provided in an interactive form in a specially equipped place with the name "Discovery". In addition to the cognitive function, the museum is still involved in a number of research topics projects, in the field of anthropology, marine zoology, history, nature conservation, the results of which can also be found in small expositions.

I highly recommend walking through the park "Coon Koala". Located on 14 hectares of land land, the park is essentially located, where they save and, if possible, increase the Cal population. This is one of the most wonderful places where every visitor to the park may easily feed and even hold on your hands this amazing creation.

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It is only necessary to follow precautionary measures, because the females of Koal wear small cubs in their bags for the first 6 months, and it is impossible to distinguish between the hob in the bag in the bag.

In addition to Koal in the park you can see a huge population of parrots. There is here and Kangaroo, Dingo dogs. By the way, like Koalas, Kangaroo really like human attention. It is very loved "caress" the data of the individuals, thereby defining special attention to itself, plus additional food. On the territory of the park, the administration has established an exact copy of the dinosaur. You can be photographed by everyone, but for additional denyushki. The funds collected in this way go to the study and maintenance of the Koal population.

It is impossible to go around the national zoo of Perth. This is one of the oldest zoos of the continent. Having 100 years old, the zoo has never been closed. It is noteworthy that in addition to animals from all the continents, the zoo can boast of an impressive botanical collection. About 60 species of relict palm trees grow on the territory. Some of them planted for more than a century ago, growth in the zoo and now. But back to the animal world. To date, the zoo has more than a thousand different types of animals. Each group of animal species is assigned its own zone. For example, the zone is presented only by the animal world of wild African savanna. Passing along the path, made like a dried bed of the river, can be viewed on majestic lions, cheetahs, other predators of Savannah. Accordingly, all the beasts are placed in closed enclosures. There are more relaxed inhabitants in this part, these are zebras, rhinos and meerkats, which are especially interesting to observe.

The Australian part of the zoo is represented by more reptiles. Here and crocodiles, turtles, all sorts of frogs. Very impressive black swans.

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Majestic birds are not afraid of visitors. Going to the path - demanding additional feeding. In addition, a little spoiled by the attention to his own person. If the feed does not like it and tormented to pinch the leg.

There is also an Asian part of the zoo, but in view of the limited time limit we did not go there.

This is not all the sights of Perth, they are still at least twice as much. Listed only those that are undoubtedly worth seeing.

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