What money is best to go to the Injekum?


During any journey, and even more so when the conversation comes to Turkey, where not only can be perfectly rest, but also to acquire a lot of good things, you will need financial resources. It is clear that their number depends only on your desire and opportunities, but the correct choice of the required currency can not only simplify the calculation system, but also save a fairly decent amount of money.

What money is best to go to the Injekum? 7424_1

Despite the fact that in Turkish resorts can be freely calculated by several types of currencies, even in some cases by Russian rubles, however, there are certain nuances. For example, in many travel agencies, prices for excursions are indicated in dollars, you can more precisely, only numbers can stand, but when European tourists are interested in the form of a currency, it is about the euro, and this number is voiced by our compatriots in dollars. The same situations are also in stores where only the digit is indicated. Who has already been to Turkey, probably faced such a situation. As for our tourists, the main mass arrives on vacation, having dollars with him. On the one hand it is correct, since preference is more given to this particular currency, what many price tags say. But this does not mean that having other money, problems may arise in financial calculations. Citizens of European countries for the most part are calculated in euros or English pounds. These are no less driving currencies, because in any, even the smallest exchange office, whether it is the banking department or a private office, US dollars, euro and pounds of sterling are taken to exchange. In the tourist zones, which rests a large number of tourists from the CIS countries, the Russian ruble and Ukrainian hryvnia are added to the list to these currencies. And in larger cages, the list may consist of a dozen and even more, types of currencies.

What money is best to go to the Injekum? 7424_2

However, even with such a large selection, it is most beneficial to calculate in the national monetary unit, that is, the Turkish lips. For a greater concept I will try in two words to explain why.

I'll start with the most elementary. The injector is located at a distance of just over twenty kilometers from Alanya, and ninety percent of tourists at least once, but attend this city. First of all, it is more attractive in terms of shopping, rich in various cultural and entertainment and historical objects. Travel to Alanya can be paid in both Turkish lies and in currency, but when calculating dollars, you at least overpaid one dollar per person. At first glance, it seems to be a bit, but if you are traveling the whole family and more than once, then runs away. Further, almost all prices in Alanya are indicated in Turkish lies, although this situation is not only in Alanya, but also Antalya and other major cities. It may even have such a situation that for the calculation you will ask you exactly, because not all trading points take the currency, and those that will recalculate can use far from the best course. Moreover, the total amount will always be rounded, and as you understand not in your direction. Even when buying, such as ice cream, which costs one and a half lira, you will ask one dollar, despite the fact that the course is 1 dollar = 2.10 leaf. And considering the aggregate all these little things, you can roughly submit the total amount of overpaid money. Therefore, many experienced tourists, especially from among European citizens, always have Turkish lira and often ask the prices of currency, with translation to the lira, choosing the most suitable option for them.

What money is best to go to the Injekum? 7424_3

I think I helped you understand the benefits in the calculations of the Turkish lira. Now, with regard to where it is better to acquire this monetary unit.

It is clear that the best option would be to avoid double metabolism, that is, buying dollars in order to follow the exchange for Turkish lira. If your region has the ability to purchase this currency, it would be the best option, but not all banks possess the Turkish lips. You can also see the Availability of Lire in the currency ticket office of the airport, from which you have to fly, because if regular flights to Turkey are carried out from this airport, then the presence of such currency in the office of the airproof is quite possible. In the absence of the possibility of acquiring Turkish Lear, the best option will be the acquisition of dollars. Why exactly dollars, I have already explained a little earlier.

What money is best to go to the Injekum? 7424_4

On Turkish lira there is an opportunity to exchange some money at the airport of arrival. Since we are talking about the incess, the airport of arrival can be Antalya, from which a little less than a hundred kilometers, or gaspaste. He is behind Alinia and to him a little closer. But in any of them there is a currency office. There is no need to change a lot, because the course at airports can be a bit lowered and it will be more profitable to change in the recreation process. In the Inzhec itself, it is possible to change money as in the hotel itself, since many of them provide this service, and you can also in the village where there is a private exchange ticket office. But in the first and in the second case, the courses may also be slightly lowered. The best option is the exchange of currency in the most Alanya, since the city has a rather large selection of exchange offices belonging to various Turkish banks and individuals. Great competition affects the course, which in this case will be the most realistic. Bank branches work from 9.00 to 17.00 with a break for lunch and weekends. Private ticket office, as a rule, work without lunch and weekends, and closed much later.

What money is best to go to the Injekum? 7424_5

But during the rest there is an opportunity to use not only cash. Many calculations can be performed using a plastic bank card, unless of course you are the owner. Cards of visa systems, master cards, Maestro, American Express, etc. are accepted. But I want to say that not all the outlets have banking terminals, small kiosks and markets are accepted only cash, so it is not necessary to fully rely on the card. In addition, calculating cash can be counting on a large discount in the trade process.

What money is best to go to the Injekum? 7424_6

In addition to the calculations of the card, there is an opportunity to use ATMs for cash withdrawal from a bank account. The benefit that there are no problems in the number of ATMs in the number of ATMs in one Turkish resort. All of them work around the clock and give out both Turkish lira and other currency.

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