Rest in Egypt: for and against


Egypt, refers to the number of countries where tourist flows are not reduced. It goes here at any time of the year and even in the summer, when it is very hot. During the dry climate, such a high temperature is carried out much easier than +25 with high humidity. But the point here is not even completely in the climate of Egypt, but in the fact that many people like the Red Sea rich in coral reefs, here you can not only do snorkeling, but also to feel the beauty of dives, simply put to try diving. The main thing is to choose a reliable instructor that speaks Russian well. In Egypt, alas, every third is a diving instructor, but most often a similar instructor has no allowing documents to train tourists in this dangerous sport. Egypt, like any other country, has its own series of advantages and minuses. I will try to tell about them in more detail.

Rest in Egypt: for and against 7416_1

Why it is worth going to relax in Egypt.

  • Simplified entry into the territory of Egypt for citizens of the Russian Federation. Enough in arrival to buy a brand and that's it. This makes it much easier for those who for some reason are not ready to collect large packets of documents for obtaining a visa.
  • Red sea. To date, it is still considered one of the most pure seas with a rich underwater world, as a result, every tourist can see all this beauty with its own eyes.
  • The presence of both sandy beaches and coral. All tourists go to Egypt for different beach holidays. Someone wants to have a good gently sloping at sea, and someone is interested in the presence of reefs directly from the shore. In Egypt in this regard, what is good, the fact that any tourist will be able to satisfy their need for the beach without any problems. As a result, as a rule, everyone is satisfied. Sometimes there are hotels that have a sandy approach in the sea and their own coral reef.
  • In Egypt, excellent opportunities for children's rest. This is the presence of water slides directly in the hotels, playgrounds, animations, mini clubs and many other things. Children will always find a lesson. And experienced animators will help them in this. Most of these employees are citizens of Russia.
  • Lack of linguistic barrier. Almost all staff involved in the service of tourists understands perfectly and speaks Russian. Therefore, heading for rest in Egypt, there is no need to raise your level of English, fearing that in the case of which no one can understand you.
  • A rich excursion program with world fame. It makes no sense for a long time about it, each of us knows such attractions: Pyramids Giza, Luxor, Karnak Temple, Moose Mountain and many others.

Rest in Egypt: for and against 7416_2

Pyramids Giza

Rest in Egypt: for and against 7416_3

Karnak Temple in Luxor

  • The nutrition is "all inclusive." I relate him to the pros, although myself and not a big lover of this concept. However, within Egypt, most likely it is still plus.
  • You can relax in Egypt at any time. There are certainly its features in the climate, but the tourist season lasts here for a whole year.
  • Large selection of hotels from the simplest to high levels. This is true, in Egypt, you can fly both as much as possible and for very big money. Of course, there is a huge number of hotels designed for the middle class.
  • Any category of tourists can relax in Egypt, it concerns noisy active youth, which wants to have fun at sunset. Almost every hotel has its own disco, to the Word and on the tourist resorts themselves there are nightclubs, where every night lovers go to dance, but in such establishments there are already a large number of local men who want to meet. Often, their attention can be very intrusive.

Cons rest in Egypt.

  • Food. Resting in this country it is necessary to be the most vigilant in the plan for choosing a meal. It applies to all places and at the hotel at the buffet, and in the restaurant in the city. To choose in Egypt is very easy.
  • Local water. It is also dangerous for the belly of tourists, especially for children. Brushing the teeth only with bottled water, as well as eliminate the ice. As a rule, they make it from tap water.
  • Obsessive merchants. Going outside the hotel, you will come across the most real concept of "intrusive service." Each seller will consider to comment on your presence. If you go somewhere, then without buying you will try not to let go.
  • Prices for goods are initially overestimated. In Egypt, it is necessary to bargain. Each seller initially oversteads the price to end up to fall to the present.
  • Alcoholic beverages of local production, which are poured on the system "all inclusive" of very low quality, be careful.

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