Private Guide Kumantsova Productions / Offered Excursions


Photography on the beach on the caribbean.

Price: $ 400.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Number of photos: 200 originals + 60 in processing

Add-ons: Tunic and wreath

Payment: After shooting

Private Guide Kumantsova Productions / Offered Excursions 73935_1

Private Guide Kumantsova Productions / Offered Excursions 73935_2

Private Guide Kumantsova Productions / Offered Excursions 73935_3

Private Guide Kumantsova Productions / Offered Excursions 73935_4

Private Guide Kumantsova Productions / Offered Excursions 73935_5

Private Guide Kumantsova Productions / Offered Excursions 73935_6

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