Useful information about the holiday in Malmo.


Malmo, despite the fact that this is the third largest city in Sweden, it is often called the most "Swedish" city of the country. And this is despite the fact that in the city there is not so many historical sights, moreover, Malmo is the most modern city of the country. And as a result, a lot of tourists arrives at this, of course, the mass of tourists, both from Europe and from Russia comes to this, of course. And since the city is very distinctive, before you visit it, it is better to know some nuances that will facilitate rest and make it more complete and comfortable. About them now let's talk.

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one. Despite the fact that the official language in the country is Swedish, almost all hotel staff and most of major restaurants and cafes are quite understandable in English. Not uncommon and employees of hotels owning in addition to English, and German. In small cafes there is a problem with it, but it is quickly solved, because almost all the menus, or illustrated, or the names of dishes are duplicated in English.

2. Continuing the topic of cafes and restaurants, it is worth noting that it is customary to leave tips. In the account, unlike other European countries, they are not prescribed, but the norm is considered to be equal to 5-15% of the account size. Singing something like this:

- institutions of the highest category - 15%;

- average - 10%;

- Small coffee shops and restaurants - 5%.

Similarly, with taxi drivers, however, in their cases, it will be normal to simply round the amount on the counter to the nearest acceptable round sum.

3. The townspeople belong to tourists very restrained and will not, for example, how Italians actively impose on the conversation, or offer their services. But in case you need help, they will definitely have it, or help you find a way to one or another sights. It is worth noting that the inhabitants of Malma are fairly aesthetes and akchamp. They very closely relate to the man. And therefore, it is not necessary for walking around the city to choose torn jeans and T-shirts, as well as through CHUR Open dresses. By the way, for walking around the city, it is better to choose comfortable shoes in advance. This is especially true for women. By blocking, which paved most of the city center on heels to walk very uncomfortable.

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four. Upon arrival in the city, it is worth buying the so-called "guest card". It gives the right to free travel through the city for a certain time, as well as gives the right to receive discounts when visiting museums, cultural institutions and theaters. You can buy it in hotels at the receptionist or tourist centers.

five. You can move around the city, both by taxi and buses. The latter, with the presence of the "guest card", are the most attractive option, because the transport network in the city is very well developed, and because the buses are very comfortable. If you still did not buy a guest map, then in newspaper kiosks you can buy, both disposable tickets and tickets for several trips or tickets giving the right to ride a certain number of days.

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6. Local cellular operators have a fairly close relationship with Russian, and calls from a mobile phone on roaming are quite humane. However, if there is a desire to save, you can use telephone cards that can be purchased in the printing kiosks, communication salons and hotels. In addition, in street payphones can be paid and credit cards. There is also one interesting payment option, it is with a gallert call. This is when the call is paid by the receiving party. However, this option is not always running. Wi-Fi, both paid and free, is almost all hotels. At the same time, the higher the level of the hotel, the greater the chances that the Internet communication will be free.

7. The Swedes are Yary Championships of a healthy lifestyle, and as a result of this, in Malmo very strictly with smoking. This can only be done in a small number of specified places specially equipped for this. There are places and some restaurants. However, despite this, the number of tobacco kiosks in the city is relatively large. True prices for cigarettes are translated. Similarly, with alcohol. You can buy it only in bars and restaurants or in a special network of stores SystemBolaget. Sale is carried out only by persons over 20 years old.

eight. Malmo, as in principle, other cities in Sweden, are considered very safe, but the policy of multiculturalism played a unpleasant joke with Sweden. A large number of immigrants living here mainly to social benefits have somewhat worsened a criminogenic environment in the country. And let the grave crimes here are very rare, then become a victim of the "pocket", very real. So wearing large amounts of money with you, it is not recommended. And otherwise, everything is very calm and walks in the center of the city late in the evening do not pose a danger.

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