What excursions should go to Mauritii?


Of course, the majority of tourists who arrive at rest, they want to get high-quality beach holidays on Mauritius. After all, it is your pure sandy beaches and this wonderful island is famous. And after all, few who can imagine that in addition to the snow-white beaches on Mauritius there is something to see. And in vain. There is a very interesting excursion program that deserves the attention of the most causative tourist. Here you are, please: see with your own eyes a real crater extinct volcano or to appreciate the beauty of the seven-step waterfall Tamarren, and the wonderful capital of Port Louis, with its fort, market and magnificent botanical gardens, as well as much more.

What excursions should go to Mauritii? 7317_1

The capital of Mauritius Port Louis.

What excursions should be visited in Mauritius.

1. The capital of Port Louis. This is the smallest capital in the world, founded in 1736. There are many temples, mosques, churches and Chinese pagodas. Also, it will be possible to visit the Postal Museum, where the most expensive brand in the world of Blue Penny is located, as well as look at the local Natural History Museum. Within the framework of the port Louis, the main attraction of the city will be shown - a unique market. This is some colorful focus of the island, where you can see local residents in bright colorful clothes that sell all kinds of goods: fruits, spices, teas, souvenirs, local national dishes. Usually, here the lowest prices and most tourists are purchased in this market. Especially, you can buy anything here.

What excursions should go to Mauritii? 7317_2

Central market in Port Louis.

2. A visit to the Domaine Les Pailles National Park - often tourists will be taken there after visiting the capital. This is a wonderful park area of ​​about 300 acres. This place where natural rides, restaurants, casinos and more are located. Having visited the park you will have the opportunity to visit the old sugar factory, water treatment, and also see the real train of the 18th century. In fact, what is just not. Place interesting, especially for families with children.

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Domaine Les Pailles National Park

3. A visit to the extinct volcano Tub about surf on the Central Plateau Mauritius - for lovers of natural unique attractions such a walk will be remembered for a long time. Usually, after visiting a volcano, tourists are brought to the sacred lake of the Hindu community of Grand Bassin, located in the crater of the extinct volcano, surrounded by very magnificent vegetation. Around the lake there is a whole complex of temples, a feeling that you are in India appears, and not in Mauritius.

What excursions should go to Mauritii? 7317_4

Crater extinct volcano Truh about surf.

4. Quad adventures in nature. In Mauritius, a large number of natural reserves, where you can see wild animals in their natural environment, swim in the purest mountain river, see rare plants and colors. On this excursion, all this can be seen with your own eyes, and for big emotions you will all be contemplating from the present quadrocycle.

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Walk on a quad bike in the natural reserve.

5. Visit to the city of Maebour. This is a small colonial town with a rich history. It was here that the colonization of Mauritius in the 13th century began. It was in Maebar who traded slaves, there was a battle between the French and the British. For those who are interested in history, it is worth come here, at the same time visit the National Historical Museum. Today Maeburn is a quiet, calm city in which little reminds of those terrible events.

What excursions should go to Mauritii? 7317_6


6. 7 Tamarin Falls. This excursion will suit all tourists, including families with children. Usually, such a spectacle does not leave anyone indifferent. Usually, at first everyone is brought to a special observation platform to panorably inspect all the beauty of the waterfalls. And then tourists are closer to this beauty. Those who wish can swim in the lakes under the waterfalls, take jumps in the water, carrying fishing, and also make the peeling of the legs completely free, thanks to small fish about such a procedure, I think the majority already heard.

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Waterfall Tamarin.

Usually, prices for excursions are exhibited in the euro and their value fluctuates around 70-80 euros per adult tourist. For children, the price is always lower, as a rule by 40-50%.

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