What is worth viewing in Bilbao?


Immediately I want to warn tourists who want to visit the Spanish city of Bilbao. Here you can not succeed in the purest beaches, swim in the warm sea, as the city is located in the north of Spain, where the climate is somewhat different than in Ibiza. The city permeate the Atlantic cyclones, and cold currents flow along the coast. But the true connoisseurs of Spanish attractions is absolutely not frightened, for they know that they will not be free time because of the great many historical objects, which are simply devoted throughout Bilbao Square.

Cathedral of St. Jacob / Catedral De Santiago de Bilbao

What is worth viewing in Bilbao? 7313_1

In Bilbao, as however, in the rest of Spanish cities, there are quite a few ancient cult facilities that are of great interest in a huge army of tourists. At: Spain, Bilbao, Plaza Santiago 1, you can find a cathedral that is a pearl of Spanish architecture. The Temple of Santiago, despite its very old age (the date of construction of the XIV century) is very well preserved, and looks like a perfect novodel, although the last reconstruction was only in 1833. At this time, Architect Severino de Achukarro rebuilt once again the bell tower height - 64 meters. The temple is built in the Gothic style, very popular in those distant times. The inner decoration of the temple is very modest, there are no unique webs of world famous painters, as well, and jewelry and jewelry. If you wish, you can consider very original stained glass, well, the sculpture of the Immaculate Virgin Mary is of interest. The entrance to the cathedral is free. Monday, day off, and on the other days from 10.00 to 19.00 hours (minus Siesta from 13.00 to 16.00).

Guggenheim Museum / Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

What is worth viewing in Bilbao? 7313_2

Spain, Bilbao, Avenida Abandoibarra, 2 - At this address is a museum, very popular among foreign tourists, on average, more than a million people per year are visited. All in this museum is unusual and avant-garde, ranging from a unique building where the exhibits are located - mainly the work of talented painters of the 20th century. Although there are exceptions - recently there was an exhibition of ingenious Michelangelo. In fact, the museum is just a branch of the Museum of Modern Art Solomon Guggenheim, which is located in the city of New York. If you are a fan of futurism and abstractionism, then you will probably not regret 11 euros for an adult ticket for an adult and 6.5 euros for young people under 26 years old. The young generation takes place in the museum for free. True admirers of Candinsky's creativity, Villema de Kunning, Dali, Iva Klein and Picasso will be immensely glad to get acquainted with the brilliant paintings of their favorite artists. The museum works from Tuesday to Sunday from 10-00 hours to 20-00 hours, Monday-day off.

Church of St. Anthony / Iglesia de San Anton

In 1433, this temple hospitably opened its doors for believers Christians. Since then, the church has repeatedly reworked and expanded. The last modification of the church was just over 100 years ago, in 1902. After the devastating floods of 1983 and the subsequent restoration, the temple was recognized as the national property of Spain. The inner interior of this cult facility looks very rich, due to the large number of old sculptures, the age of some of them dates from the XV century. Especially good statue of St. Anthony, located near the entrance door. It is also worth paying attention to the crucifix, made in the style of the Renaissance, the date of manufacture of which is presumably the XIV century.

Biscay Bridge / Puente De Vizcaya / Puente Colgante

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Walking around the city, be sure to go to: Calle Barria, 3, 48930 Las Arenas-Getxo, Vizcaya. Here is another urban attraction - a bridge with a very original engineering design. This is an amazing construction, a height of more than 60 meters, was erected in 1891. In fact, this is not at all the bridge, but rather flying steam, with a capacity of up to 8 cars at the same time. If you decide to cross the car, then this service will cost from 1.5 euros to 2.5 euros (depending on the size of the car). If there is a desire to rinse your nerves and at the same time admire the picturesque panorama of the city, you can rise on a special elevator to the upper skipper and in a narrow wooden bridge, paying 5 euros to go to the other side of the river.

Museum of Fine Arts / Museo de Bellas Artes / Bilbao Fine Arts Museum

Another place where it is necessary to go, is located at: Bilbao, Plaza Del Museo 2. There is a museum, which recently celebrated his century. Due to regularly replenishing exhibits, the museum has changed its premises three times. A very large collection is collected here (about 7 thousand copies) of masterpieces of outstanding artists. To admire the immortal works of the art of the Great Spanish painters, you will have to pay for the entrance ticket for an adult - 6 euros, children (up to 7 years) are free. The museum exposed pictures of different eras, starting from the XV century to the present day. If you are a fan of Goya, Romero de Torres, El Greco and Gogen and many famous Basque artists, then you will be immensely happy, seeing the paintings of your favorite masters in one place. The museum has been working from 10.00 to 20. 00 hours. Monday - day off.

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