Car rental in Peru. What do you need to know?


Rent a car in a self-journey is a great help. This is freedom! No need to adapt to public transport (trains, buses), you can plan in advance and develop your route. Rent a car in Peru - the item is quite specific. Many who still took cars for hire, remember this experience without pleasure.

Via the Internet or in place?

Most travelers are asked by this question, which is not an unequivocal answer. Of course, through the Internet, most likely there will be a choice of model range. In addition, rolling offices often carry out various promotions, which allows you to save some money. Peru is represented by such rolling "bison" as "Hertz" and "Avis" are firms working in many countries and have a sufficiently serious reputation. Keep in mind that in the initial amount that you will be exhibited, 20% tax is not included! Be sure to specify this moment before signing the contract and confirm the payment. If you decide to rent a car upon arrival, be sure to visually inspect the car. All visible damage (chips, scratches, hurry) must be photographed, you can even record on paper and demand the signature of the manager - too often, when you pass the car, the tourist is "hanging" damage, which have been forgotten and forced to pay for repair. Be careful!


Roads in Peru, in general, good quality, move on them with solid pleasure, which cannot be said about the crossed terrain. That's just a misfortune name - they are not! And if you roll to the mountain road - where only a rut from previous cars, you can get lost. So before the trip necessarily get excuses a detailed map of the area plus the navigator - it will help you feel confidently feel behind the wheel. If some problems arose, you can always stop and ask the road from police or local drivers. Knowledge of the language (Spanish), of course, preferably, but also "on the fingers" you can quite defective. Police, by the way, is found quite a lot. To verify documents stop periodically. If you are a citizen of Russia, together with international rights, it is better to demonstrate a Russian passport, in this case (if there are no violations) you just smile and wish a good way!

Car rental in Peru. What do you need to know? 7304_1

Documents, prices, car brands

International rights are needed for renting a car! The driver's age should be above 25 years old, otherwise you will have to buy increased insurance. The presence of a plastic card is required! Be prepared that the deposit will be frozen on your account for a few weeks after returning from vacation - such a practice, nothing can be done. Rent a better all-wheel drive car. Most of the attractions are far from the asphalt tracks - in the mountainous area, so you need a strong and quite high passing.

Car rental in Peru. What do you need to know? 7304_2

The price per day ranges from $ 100 - for the model range of the type "jeep" and from $ 50 per sedan. Keep in mind, Payable only 200 km.! For each subsequent kilometer, you will have to lay out from 0.2 to 0.9 $ another cost of expenses is the ability to return the car in another city. For this service will have to pay another 400 to $ 500. The price of gasoline is about 50 rubles per liter.

Take a car for hire, move on taxi or buses - everyone's choice! You should not focus on others, you need to listen to yourself. After all, you are going to rest not to constantly experience stress and torment. Choose your vehicle version! And you have a good journey!

Car rental in Peru. What do you need to know? 7304_3

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