What are the interesting places worth visiting Turku?


Every year more and more tourists, ascertain their inquisitive views north, in the direction of the Scandinavian countries to enjoy the diversity of the charming nature, admire the impeccable cleanliness of cities, try, not worrying about their health, environmentally friendly natural products, on which scandinavians are simply obedy ! All this can be done in Magic Finland, in the glorious city of Turku.

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This city, for many centuries, was the capital of the country, and only in the XIX century, by decree of the Russian king lost this status. In the Turk, of course, it is best to ride in the summer to enjoy the local attractions that are proud of not only the townspeople, but also residents of the whole country.

Cathedral / Cathedral of Turku

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This incredibly majestic cult facility is located in the northern part of the Turku, at: Finland, Turku, Rothoviuksenkatu 2. Build the temple almost that one hundred and fifty years. Some of it dates back to the XII century, as the church began to build on the basis of a wooden chapel. The architectural styles of the building constantly changed due to the fact that the church bosses sought to keep up with the times. The church accepted his final appearance after the grandiose fire in 1827 and the subsequent general reconstruction. Oddly enough, but during the Second World War, the temple was practically not affected, although active fighting was held in the city.

Over the centuries, the cathedral was the tomb of various figures, including religious, as well as the monarchs. Nowadays, this Lutheran Church is considered the main church of Finland, something like the Kremlin Kurats, in the Christmas Christmas tree of the temple bells solemnly beat twelve times, and only after that, the most revered holiday is coming throughout the country.

If desired, you can visit the museum at the temple. Here, among exhibits, you can see all sorts of church utensils, ancient clothes, ceramics, all kinds of sculptures. The entrance to the temple is free, no restrictions, the only wishes - during the service not to photograph.

Turku Castle / Turku Castle

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This ancient fortification structure leads its history from the XIII century. According to the architect, there should have simple and uncomplicated fortifications, which over time turned into a solid castle, rather impressive sizes, built of gray stone. The walls of the fortress were silent witnesses of most historical events in the history of the Scandinavian countries. In the XVI century, during the reign of Duke Yohan and Katharina, the castle gained a second life. It was at that time another floor (fifth) was completed, in the luxurious Renaissance style, where the rest of the tsarist couple were actually.

To date, the city castle is the most visited attraction of the country, since all its squares are given to the museum, the exhibits of which are depicting everyday life at the Royal Yard in the Renaissance Epoch. Paying 7 euros for the entrance ticket for an adult visitor (children under 7 years old - pass for free) you can visit the gloomy chamber of prison, in which King Eric XIV contained. The castle is rightfully considered the cultural center of the city, where all sorts of exhibitions are held, concerts of concerns of celebrities, theatrical performances of the leading theaters of the world.

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