What are the interesting places worth a visit in Constance?


The history of the old Romanian city of Constanta begins at a long time when the ancient Greeks were the full owners of the Black Sea coast. It is they who, more than two and a half thousand years ago, founded the settlement, which since the centuries turned into a beautiful city, no different from the capital of Romania - Bucharest. At the moment, it is the second in the country, in its magnitude, and in the number of ancient attractions, nothing is inferior to the majority of Romanian cities. For his centuries-old history, the city managed to visit the authority of the Great Roman Empire, and during the time of Byzantium, the city received his current name - Constanta, in honor of Konstantin the Great - the most famous Byzantine emperor. Also not passed in gift and 450 years of the Egypt Ottoman Empire.

Museum of National History and Archeology

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In the museum located at: Ovidide Square, you can gladly consider the richest collection of unique artifacts of the times of Greek, Roman and Ottoman colonization, in a detailed way to reveal the history of Constanta, starting from the Stone Age. Two statues, one of which "Gicon - Fantastic Snake" performed during the times of ancient Ellinov and dated iii century BC. er, and the second - "Goddess Fortune and Pontos, the God of the Black Sea", is rightfully considered symbols of the city and are the undoubted pride of local residents. The entrance ticket for an adult is worth 10 Romanian lei, which is about 4 dollars at the rate. Children can inspect the exhibits for free. The museum works in the summer from 08.00 - 20.00 hours. Monday and Tuesday - day off.

Museum of the Romanian Naval Forces

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In this museum located at: Street Traian, 53, paying 4 lei, for an adult and 2 lei for a child, you can see unique exhibits (the age of some of them, reaches three millennia) anyway closely related to the sea, and So navigation. In front of your eyes, the oldest navigation instruments will appear, including the starry sky globe made by Venetian masters in the XVII century, as well as models, in full size, old and modern boats, ancient drawings of uncomplicated vessels and canoes, cut out of a solid giant tree. In the courtyard of the museum is set up a collection of modern items of shipping and weapons, starting with huge anchors and ending with artillery installations. Work time - from 10.00 hours until 18.00. Monday, day off.

Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul

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By giving tribute to the glorious past of the city, the architect of Ion Minku erected this church in the Greek-Roman style. Date of building a temple - 1885. Unfortunately, during the Second World War, the church suffered a little bit, but thanks to restorers, in 1951, services (in Romanian) are held in this religious building. In the inner interior it is worth highlighting unique frescoes performed in the Byzantine style. Asking permission from clergymen, you can rise by 35 meter tower, with which you can admire the embankment and picturesque views of the city. This Orthodox Cathedral is located at: Archbishopath Street, 25. Entrance to the Temple is free.

Great Mosque Mahmuda

Going to a meeting of the wishes of many citizens who confess Muslim, in the city, in 1910, the local authorities in the face of the Romanian king, gave permission to build a mosque in Constanta. For a short period of time, at: Ovidiya Square, ul. Archboat, 5, was erected by a mosque, which is an exact copy of the Konieh mosque located in Turkish Antalya. In the inner decoration of this grand constructure, I want to highlight a huge Persian carpet, who gave the Turkish Sultan Abdul Khamid mosque. This is a manual miracle Walkano in the city of Kheresh, located in Turkey. It is the largest carpet of Europe, its weight is almost half a ton (489.8 kilograms). The main pride of the mosque is the most beautiful 50 meter tower, with which five times during the day, a clergy (Muzzin), rises to the top of the minaret, overcoming 140 steps to call all believers in Allah, to prayer.

Fortress Husistia

In the vicinity of Constanta, on the shore of the lake there are the remains of the oldest city of Husistia, based on the first settlers - the ancient Greeks, which settled on these grateful lands in the distant VII century BC. Over time, the city, because of its very convenient geographical location, has become the richest city in all Malaya Asia. I get acquainted with the story, you can see the remains of the ancient pagan temples, where Zeus and Aphrodite, as well as the famous Roman baths (by the way, a very complex architectural structure) and an extensive sewer system, which underlines its presence to the highest level of civilization. On the territory of the excavation there is a museum, where there are household items found as exhibits, found here for the last 80 years.

If you relax with the child, then you should visit the dolphinarium at the address: Maama Boulevard, 255. Presentation is like every day. Entrance ticket, regardless of age, costs 9 lei. At the same address, there is a pretty good aquarium with the Black Sea inhabitants of the sea depths (more than 60 species). The price of the entrance ticket for an adult visitor - 8 Lei, a ticket for a child costs 4 lei. Aquarium works daily from 09.00 to 18.00 hours.

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