Holidays in Ichmeler: tourist reviews


What is the main thing during the rest? Vacations, weather, resort, company ... Yes! But a positive attitude!

The small bay of Ichmeler, which is a district of the port city of Marmaris on the Aegean coast, every year attracts more and more tourists.

Ichmeler is surrounded by excellent mountains, incredibly smelling pine forests, green parks for independent walks, has a fairly long coastline, cozy beaches and transparent water. These are the main advantages, as for me, who play in favor of the town.

Holidays in Ichmeler: tourist reviews 72722_1

A few years ago, on the stories of experienced tourists, there were practically no entertainment here. The rest was inappropriate and quiet. Now the water activities of leisure are actively developing, both for adults and children (not babies). The number of cafes and restaurants, which serves everything: from local treats to European dishes, and with them - and stores with rather monotonous goods. Many places where you can buy excursions at prices lower than that of the hotel operators. Some lose as, others - won. Feel free to ask the most simple questions: about meals during the trip, transfer there, back, extra spending. Night clubs are not very much. Therefore, in this part of Turkey, rest is serene, mainly for quiet steam, families with children and older people who value peace.

Holidays in Ichmeler: tourist reviews 72722_2

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