The most interesting places in Montreal.


Montreal, recognized by UNESCO "City of Design", is famous not only for its modern architectural solutions, but also a rich culture and history, carefully saved by the authorities of the city with the active assistance of citizens, frankly lovers in his city, despite the seeming external cosmopolitanity. And as a result, having come here any tourist will find where to go and what to see, depending on its preferences. Sightseeing in the city is very much, about everything and you will not tell the same note, but to allocate a few most important, let's try.

Mount Mont-Royal

Mount Mont-Royal, or in the French Transcription of Mont Real, which gave the name of the city, attracts tourists and residents of the city all year round. In the summer, there is a cozy and cool, in the spring and autumn there is a paint extravagant, well, and in winter the mountain turns into one big winter amusement park with sledding, skiing and snowboarding. The height of the mountain is 233 meters, which seems to seem to be a bit, but when you see it, this impression quickly disappears. The slopes of Mont-Royal from the 19th century are a large park, in which there are monuments of a large number of prominent figures of Canada, starting from the discoverer of these lands of the Frenchman Jacques Cartier and ending with the sculptures of famous figures of the 20th century. At the foot of the mountain there are two cemeteries included in the list of historical heritage of Canada: Mont-Royal and Notre Dam de Naz, which are buried by representatives of various ethnic groups living (residing) in this part of the globe. At the top of the mountain, the Holy Cross and Oratorius of St. Joseph was installed.

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At any time of the year, the tops of the mountain offer stunning views of the city surroundings, and in sunny and dwelling days, from here you can see the Ariardak Ridge.

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Oratorius of St. Joseph

As he was written above, he is on the slope of Mont-Royal Mountain and is the largest temple in the world of the Earth's Father of Jesus. It is one of the largest centers in the world catholic pilgrimage. More than 2 million parishioners arrive in the temple every year. Especially pious pilgrims, the last 99 steps on the way to the orally overcome solely on the knees. The height of the dome of the church of St. Joseph reaches 97 meters, which only a little inferior to the height of the dome of the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome. Not far from the entrance to the temple stands the sculpture of the monk Andre, the modest obedient of the initiator of the construction of the oratorio. In addition to the oratorio, there is a small cemetery church and two chapels on the territory of the temple, in one of which gifts are stored from the parishioners. There is on the territory and a small museum of sacred art. But most of all tourists and parishioners, shock the carillon compiled from 56 bells.

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Cathedral of the Montreal Mother of God (Basilica Notre Dame)

Built at the beginning of the 19th century in the Gothic Basil style, although it has one name with his famous namesque in Paris, but radically different from it outwardly. It is interesting for tourists, first of all, its amazingly rich and skillfully performed interior. Thanks to the exquisite thread, paintings, statues and stained glass, the temple is a real work of art. Special attention also deserves the largest bell in all over North America "Le Gros Bourdon" and the cathedral authority.

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Periodically, concerts of classical and organ music are arranged in the temple, combined with light show. So if it turns out to get here at such moments, that is, the chance not only to enjoy visiting the temple itself, but also enjoy a unique idea.

By the way, near Basilica is the very first city skyscraper - New York-Life-Building, built in 1888.

Habitat 67.

The relatively young landmark of the city was born in 1967. This residential complex, the construction of which was timed to the international exhibition of 1967. The architect of the whole complex was a very young man from Israel Moshe Safdi, and at that time, this brutal residential complex was the largest exposure in the world. This complex has opened the world the possibility of solving housing problems for the poorest segments of the population.

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Underground city

Also a completely young landmark of Montreal, which is the largest manual dungeon of the world. Here you can find everything! From small cafes and shops, to fashionable restaurants and expensive boutiques. This place is considered one of the largest trading places in the world, giving out only the Megamollams of the Arab Emirates. This is the most famous area of ​​the city, which is necessarily recommended to go to everyone who comes to the city. By the way, it's very simple to get lost here, and eventually go to the surface at all where you came. But these are not only trading areas, but also offices, residential complexes, hotels, cinemas, concert halls and other cultural institutions. The total area of ​​the underground city exceeds 30 square kilometers! For the convenience of visitors, there are buses and trains. Going in one part of Montreal to the underground city, you can get out in a completely different end of the city. Often this method of moving around the city is used by the residents themselves.

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One of the most interesting museums of the city, which is very fond of not only adults, but also children. The museum opened in the 1990th year, there are currently more than 160 thousand both alive and dried exhibits. Special attention is attracted by acting bees and bumblebees, an artificial anthill and other buildings (if so can be said), in which you can look at insects in the conditions of their real life. Most of the inhabitants of the insectarium live in thick glasses of aquarium, so those who are afraid of insects feel very comfortable. However, a couple of months a year (February and May), the museum staff produces hundreds of thousands of butterflies to the main hall. It is not uncommon in the institution and festivals of eastern cuisine when the best chefs in the world and visitors can try exotic dishes as an example, fried bumblebees and bees, or locust in chocolate.

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Botanical Garden

The Montreal Botanical Garden is interesting not only by its exposition, but also the history of its appearance. It began to create it during the Great Depression and the main idea when creating it, there was not so much the garden as a fact, but an attempt to create jobs for citizens. The attempt was not only crowned with success, but the garden itself turned out to be unique. He is considered one of the most beautiful botanical garden in the world. On its territory there are more than thirty thematic gardens, several exhibitions of greenhouses, and the collection of plants has more than 26 thousand species. The garden is a favorite site for walks not only in citizens, but also in numerous tourists.

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The list of attractions of Montreal, the above, is completely completely incomplete, because there are also other interesting places in the city, such as Mont-Royal Plateau, Olympic Park and many, many other interesting places. But about them, let's talk somehow later.

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