Costume of rest in Conak


Since when purchasing a trip in a travel company, everything is clear with prices, as the price includes accommodation and flight, and additional costs are already dependent on the tourists themselves, then we will consider the option of self-journey to this resort.

First of all deal with the road.

Let us eliminate the car moving and the sea route because it is quite difficult, long and expensive. The fastest and optimal option will be an air flight. 3A Basis Take departure from Moscow.

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There may be two options. You can get a regular flight and you can use the charter. I take a regular price, which is eleven thousand rubles in both ends, from Moscow to Antalya and back, which is about three hundred dollars. Although the charter, if you try, you can find a minimum of dollars for two hundred. Next you need to get from Antalya Airport to Conakla.

The easiest way is a taxi, but he is the most expensive, and will cost a minimum one hundred and twenty dollars. If you order a service delivery service, it will cost a little cheaper, but at least one hundred dollars are eighty, so consider the bus.

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From the airport, every half an hour is sent to the city bus number 600, which is driving in less than ten minutes to a small bus station from which buses are sent to Alanya. It is four lira to reach the bus station, that is, two dollars. They sit on the bus, next towards Alanya, passing through Conakli. Since the road is one, and Conaks are not having to reach Alanya, then it is not possible to confuse options. It costs the road, roughly speaking, ten dollars, although in fact a little less, but we will not be stripped.

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So, after an hour and a half or two, we are in Conakli. Since we have an independent journey, then take the hotel five stars, it makes no sense. Completely good twice or triple. Double room with breakfast can cost from fifty dollars per day. Take with a reserve, sixty and ten days. It turns out six hundred dollars for two.

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If you stay in the private sector, removing a two-room apartment with all amenities, then for ten days you can take about three hundred fifty, the maximum of four hundred dollars.

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Now food, because we have only breakfast. It is necessary to eat in an inexpensive restaurant from seven to twelve dollars. Naturally, I do not consider lunch with a bottle of wine or several beer glasses. Take the average cost, it turns out forty dollars a day for two, I mean lunch and dinner.

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Removing an apartment and buying products yourself, for ten days you will spend a maximum of two hundred dollars, because products in the supermarket are cheaper than in Russia, not counting alcohol and cigarettes that are expensive in Turkey.

Next, additional costs are already going, which spend all tourists, regardless of how they arrived, on a trip or their own pass. Here it makes no sense, because everyone has different needs and wishes.

What happens in us as a result based on the calculation of two people for ten days of rest.

Flight 600 dollars.

The road from the airport to the resort and back 50 dollars.

Hotel accommodation is 600 dollars.

Food 400 dollars.

It turns out $ 1,650 for two, and if you take into account the private sector, then 1,250 dollars. And this is not the minimum amount as I considered the average indicators everywhere. Moreover, there is a second airport of Gazipasha, which is located twice as close as Antali.

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With the right approach and calculation, it is quite possible to save from the names of two hundred dollars of two hundred and three hundred. And count if you are still two children of school age ...

Therefore, the last time independent tourism is gaining more turns. Despite the large selection of real estate, in the midst of the season it becomes more and more difficult to find the appropriate rental option. For this, it is necessary to prepare in advance, and then the rest will cost relatively inexpensively and enjoy.

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