Best excursions in Palermo.


Palermo is such a wonderful sunny town! And how great not only fall on the beach of the Sicilian capital, but also go somewhere on a tour to diversify holidays. So, where in Palermo or Palermo, you can buy an excursion.

1. Sightseeing tour

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Everything is clear here. The guide will collect the group and will ride you around the city on the mini Wen, making periodic stops near the main attractions to enlighten you in the secrets and legends of this. But there are many such places in Palermo, since the history of the city has about three thousand years! Among the obligatory stops of the Norman Palace with his Palatinskaya Chapella, Church of Santa Maria Dell'Ammiraglio, Church of San Cataldo and Cathedral Il Duomo. The tour of this lasts approximately 5-6 hours, sometimes even up to 12 hours (including lunch).

2. Agrigento and Piazza Armerin

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Agrigento is located 128 km from Palermo. Here, tourists expect tours of the city, visiting the temples in honor of the Greek gods and Zeus Olympic gods, which are dated 6-5 centuries. BC E., Asclepia Temple, Holy Spirit Monastery, Local Archaeological Museum and more. The city is simply "sisit" by the old incredibly beautiful structures, and from the realization of how old they are, just spinning the head! Then tourists will be taken in Piazza Armerin, which is 100 km from Agrigento. The city is located on the slopes of the hill in the center of the island, and is one of the most impressive sites of Sicily. Tourists will be brought to Villa Del Casal - the imperial residence of 3-4 centuries. n. e., which is under the protection of UNESCO. The entire excursion will last about hours 8, and the price, as a rule, does not include entrance tickets to museums and archaeological zones of these two cities. In general, this excursion can begin from any city of Sicily - Taormal, Jardini Naxos, Messina, Syracuse, Palermo, Catania, Noto, and others.

3. Cruise on the Yacht "Eolian Islands"

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Of course, the ride on the yacht simply can not be boring! True, it is not suitable for those who suffer from the seaside disease. From the board of the yacht, you can admire the bays from the shore, as well as you can make the stop and visit the islands and wild beaches.

The Eolian Islands is the volcanic archipelago in the Tyrrhenian Sea from seven islands with acting and extinct volcanoes. Nature on the islands is great - tourists make a stop on each island (well, or at will only on some, but in general, one day is one island), bathe in the purest turquoise sea and take volcanic mud baths. This is quite a long cruise, one or two weeks (but here you want it). Besides you on the deck there will be the staff of the yacht and the Russian-speaking translator. On the way back the yacht makes stop in Mondello. But it seems to me if it is possible, you can dedicate to such a cruise and a week -En-like island. For example, Lipari is famous for the ruins of an old city - and very cool to walk there and go to the archaeological museum in Castello. And the strombati sometimes "sins" by eruptions, so it is best to look at it from the yacht. Although it is possible to climb to the crater of the volcano, when everything is calm - about one km. By the way, in the romance of Jules, the main characters return from the underground trip to the Strombol's volcano from the Underground Travel.

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But Panarea is famous for the Village of the Bronze Age and sunken ships whose debris can be admired during the diving. The cost of such a tour depends on its duration and number of visited islands. At the excursion on one yacht, up to 9 tourists are placed.

4. Taormina

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Taormal-fashion resort and one of the most luxurious cities of Italy. It is located between the two mountains, between the sea and the sky. This is a very green town with beautiful buildings of different centuries. Tourists will visit the Greek Theater, Corwayo Palace, Church of Santa Catherine, Nova Apror Square and Taormina City Park. Also, guides will hold tourists to the most interesting monuments of antiquity and the Middle Ages - Messinsky Gate and the Roman Amphitheater. Taormina is approximately 250 km from Palermo, and, less time, the excursion itself lasts about 4-5 hours, sometimes longer. You can agree with the guide to visiting local boutiques, then the tour stretches.

5. Etna

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As you know, Etna -vulkan. In general, he acting, and recently has intensified in 2012.Etna's activity comes about 3 times a year. Tourists with a guide on transport rise to a height of 1900 m, admire with the magnificent Mediterranean nature, which is constantly changing as the mountain lifted. If desired, the rise in the cable car is even higher, in the covered cabins, where 6 people are placed. These cabins deliver tourists to a height of 2900 m, and then there they meet jeeps that are carrying a group to the foot of the main crater. Well, then, with the conductor, tourists bypass the cooled crater. The cable car and these crater are paid separately, 60 euros per person.

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On this excursion you need to wear comfortable shoes, take a sweater with you, the jacket -no slopes are very windy and damp.

Well, of course, there are separate tours with a visit to other cities of Sicily and Italy, there is no point in telling about them.

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