What interesting places worth visiting in Lucerne?


All those who first come to Lucerne are grabbing around, because there are so many things to see what is probably not enough for two weeks. Lucerne can be bolded to call the museum by the city, which tells the history of the settlement, founded in the 8th century around the ancient monastery. There is no guide here, each building itself tells the story to everyone who is ready to watch and admire. And even arriving in Lucerne, all tourists make hundreds of similar ones alone on another panoramic photos and all because you want to see and capture every corner, every stone. Here every house looks like a piece of art.

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Before traveling, looking through different sites and fruitrators, then things stumbled on the phrase that "Lucerne is the most beautiful city of the German-speaking part of Switzerland," at first I somehow missed it by the ears (more precisely), but I looked at a few cities, I understood What yes, Lucerne is worthy of such a description. At the same time, I decided that it was worth living in Lucerne, and for the summer you need to go to a quiet eye on the Swiss Riviera.

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By the way, it was after visiting the Swiss Riviera who had the impression that Switzerland was primarily expensive clinics, private private schools and elite clubs for golden youth. But in Lucerne, this impression has changed dramatically. Of course, this is understandable, where Riviera, and where Lucerne, different regions, different historical conditions of development, but nevertheless, one country, and places and cities are so different!

Arriving in Lucerne, first of all, it is worth looking at the most beautiful and romantic landmark - the Wooden Bridge Capprelbruck, it is also considered a symbol of the city. At the end of the bridge there is an eight-marched tower Wasserurm, which was used to be used and as a treasury and as a prison. The highlight is the roof of the bridge (it is indoor, similar to the gallery), in the 17th century painted with paintings, which depict the historical events of the city.

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Unfortunately, in 1993, the bridge burned and the roof with the paintings was very much suffered, but over time it was renovated, and now tourists can again admire 122 paintings.

Parally cappelbruck across the river there is another bridge of 1408 buildings, for some reason it is mentioned much less often. This bridge is also indoor and also with the painted roof, only the pictures are grilled there, people and death are depicted on them in the form of a skeleton.

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In the city on the river there are several dams, but here is the oldest and beautiful spoke dam, the water level on which is still regulated by manually. For this, wooden beams are removed or installed (which look like huge knitting needles) and water flows through a small opening side, it turns out a very beautiful small stream.

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The river is home to a huge quantitative of ducks, swans and chaps. Feather inhabitants There are a reasonable set and tourists and residents of the city consider their duty to feed them. These winged handsome men are so harmoniously complement the landscape of the Rauss embankment, which can be admired for the views on the clock.

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The next place where the turysts are simply obliged to get into the museum, where fossils from glaciers and gutters are collected. Once there was a glacier, and this is what is represented in the park and is the result of the movement of the glacier. There is even a stone in which a palm leaf will be imprinted.

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Another interesting place in the park is the oldest mirror maze of Alhambra in Europe, there are only 90 mirrors here, but it seems that they are just thousands.

Many tourists walking around the city a hundred times the area of ​​Levenplats are held, namely, a few steps from it there is a famous "dying lion". Mark Twain called this sculpture "the most touching piece of rocks in the world." The lion symbolizes the bravery of the Swiss soldiers who died in an unequal battle at the storm of the Palace of 1792.

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In the eastern part of the city is the Gothic Church of Hofkirche. Her two spiers is the main landmark in the city. The church was completed in 1639 on the basis of the Roman Basilica, which destroyed the fire in 1633. Around the church is an arched gallery, and the Altar of the Virgin Mary was installed inside the church, which was decorated with black marble, remaining from the basilica. The building of the Church outside is decorated with carved patterns and bas-reliefs, and inside the statues of the Saints of the Saints of Lucerne - Mauricius and Leodegard.

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The church is really very beautiful, bas-reliefs, statues, scenery ...

There are still a lot of magnificent churches in the city, and the Church of Jesuitis, and the Franciscan Church of St. Mary, only now, unfortunately, as always in the edge.

Every year in the city there is a festival of monster "Fanshank", in his honor even painted the house, portraying the main actors or rather to say the holiday masks.

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There are a lot of great decorated and painted buildings in the city, everything is decorated with an extraordinary sense of style. New drawings do not bother at all, but on the contrary, decorate and give a special color to the old town.

Another monument of the antiquity is the building of the Town Hall. Built the building in the 15th century as an indoor market, and eventually completed the hour tower. Now there is a museum of the History of Lucerne.

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There are not enough two days to inspect even these couples, so in Lucerne need to be left for a couple of days, but for a couple of weeks, or another option - to come here a few times. There is so many interesting little things that you can admire and again. There are a lot of old pharmacies in Lucerne, where the interior is preserved in pristine form, and that's better feeling that you get in the 17th century.

It's not a secret of course that in Switzerland a magnificent chocolate, but I never seen tiles with a tray, only in Lucerne, so there is a real paradise for sweet tooths! Oh, a trip to Switzerland makes itself felt a couple-troika of unnecessary olivers, from which it is so difficult to get rid of. The city is simply amazingly beautiful, there is a story everywhere, there is an old day from everywhere, it was nice to find a place where nightclubs are not the main venue of residents and tourists.

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