Rest in Bern: how to get?


Let's start with the fact that the airport is not far from Bern, Bern Airport. But it's amazing that BelP town is much closer to the airport than Bern himself, although the belonging is inclined, of course to Bernu. Local calls his BERN-BELP, as well as Belpmoos.

Rest in Bern: how to get? 7211_1

I would not call the airport Bern International, but rather the local airport. Although there is still a way out of Europe.

For example, Vienna, Paris, Barcelona, ​​London, Munich, Lugano, Tabarka, Manchester and others.

But from Russia or Ukraine, you will not take directly to Berne, you will have to come to Zurich Airport, and then get to Bern by train or bus.

You can, of course, arrive at the airports of Geneva or Basel, and then get to Bern. And it will be much more convenient and faster, and cheaper than to transplage at other airports to get on the flight to Bern.

From the station in Zurich, Zurich HB, every hour there are direct trains, a message Zurich-Bern. At the same time, you will get to the destination for just an hour with superfluous, paying about 46 CHF.

From all listed airports you can easily get to the bearish capital, while the road will take no more than an hour. This follows the SBB train.

You can use the same By train and visit such beautiful cities in Switzerland as:

Geneva - about 1.5 hours of the path, just 45 CHF;

Interlaken - 4-5 minutes on the way, cost-30 CHF;

Zurich - hour on the way, price-45 CHF;

Basel - about 1.10 minutes, in just 40 CHF.

Direct flights of the train can be reached in Paris, Barcelona, ​​Milan, Berlin.

Directly in the city itself, you can move through tram or s-bahn , Local buse.

Rest in Bern: how to get? 7211_2

Tram routes follow to the center, as well as from the station to the clock tower.

In the city also go Trolley buses having only five lines. Two of them, at number 13.14, lead from the center to the western part of the city.

Go in the city and Postal buses How they are called local residents. This is very popular transport that follows from the western part of the railway station.

Rest in Bern: how to get? 7211_3

Tickets are sold at stops at stops, while there are tickets for only a few stops, worth 1.9 CHF, and there are full, worth 3.2 CHF.

In the city go Night buses For a loved one nightlife. They are called Moonliner, the fare on which is from 5 CHF.

Of course, there are taxi services in the city, but they are very expensive.

In Bern, a very popular type of transport is a bike.

It takes not only visitors tourists, but also locals.

If you prefer to walk around the city on foot, then make a walk, and then feel free to take a free bike for four hours, and make small excursions yourself.

In Hirschengraben, located just a few minutes walk from the station, in order to rent this Free bike It is necessary to leave a pledge of only 20 CHF, and provide a passport, TIN, or a driver's license.

If you do not invest four hours, then for each extra hour you should pay 1 CHF.

If you arrived in Bern by car, then you can use parking services.

There are several underground parking in the city center, worth about 2-3 CHF per hour, and there are a lot of free parking Park & ​​Ride, which are located on Wankdorf, Guisanplatz, Neufeld, Gangloff and Bumpliz.

In any case, there is always the opportunity to not use vehicles, but just stroll around the city, because in Bern, almost all attractions are concentrated in the city center, so it is not necessary to overcome long distances to one or another object.

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