What is worth looking at Corfu?


Corfu-second in Square Island Greece and one of the most popular places of tourist holiday. About 110 thousand people live here, and, probably, many more tourists every year come to relax on the island, to correct health, sunbathe and hang out. And the Corfu lives very calm and friendly people. Also on there is a number of attractions that you should visit.

Church of Saint Spiridon)

What is worth looking at Corfu? 7201_1

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The temple with an unusually warm atmosphere is named after St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky, the patron saint of Corfu Island, and his relics are kept in the cathedral in Silver Sarcophagus, which can be seen when visiting the church (about 5 pm every day), as well as in Easter, when the relics rose According to the main streets of the city of Kerkira, and people are hanging out of the red canvas. Often, the long line of pilgrims is going to these relics, and some workers understand Russian, as Russian pilgrims are very much here. By the way, in honor of St. Corfu is often called newborns. The temple, built at the end of the 16th century, was not always here - he was transferred from Sadkko. As for the style of this church with a huge belfry, it is possible to note the explicit influence of the Italian architecture of the XVII century, as well as the similarity of the church with the temple of St. George in Venice. Interior decoration is great, especially ceilings and iconostasis.

Old Town Kerkira (Old Town Kerkira)

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The old town is located next to the modern part of Kerkira. Be sure to visit this wonderful corner. Most of the buildings of this area are made in the Baroque style, not essentially narrow and winding streets, residential buildings with low balconies, which hug magnificent vines, stunning promenade, palaces and fountains. Many comes to mind with the Italian old cities - it looks really similar. True, in the old town there are buildings and in Greek, French and English styles - a very interesting mix. All streets lead to the main monuments, the palaces and temples Kerkira. For example, the monastery of Velversna, named after the Guardian Angel of the City. This is a very cozy place.

Monastery of the Virgin Mary (The Monastery of Virgin Mary)

What is worth looking at Corfu? 7201_5

The monastery is located in the village of Paleokastric in the western part of the island and is dedicated to the Virgin (in Greek the name of the temple sounds like Monetoku). The temple was built in the 17th century on the ruins of the monastery of the 13th century. Next to the museum you can see a beautiful arched courtyard, a garden with peacocks and geese and a small museum of Byzantine icons and an icons of other eras. The internal decoration of the church is made in the classic style of monastic architecture. Climb to the top of monastic walls to enjoy a luxurious view of the surroundings and islands (one of them is considered "the ship Odyssey", by the way). Tourists who arrived at the temple fulfill the mandatory ritual, make a visit to the magic well, where to throw a coin and make a desire. In general, Paleokastric is an extremely picturesque area covered with orange lemon trees.

Palace Achilleion (Palace Achilleion)

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Palace can be found 20 km from Kerchira, in Gastouri. The palace is built in the style of Platonic Romanticism, and it was built specifically for the Empress Elizabeth Austrian. Palace is just luxurious - author's inlaid furniture, lush imperial gardens. In the garden, you can find a statue of a deadly early Achulesse, as well as a big picture, again, with the image of Achulesse in the royal robes, and in the background - an attacked enemy Hector. After Elizabeth was killed, the palace sold Willhime II, and some time later the palace became a museum, which contains the objects of life and personal belongings of the Empress and Kaiser.

Old Fortress Paleo Frurio (Old Fort Paleo Frurio)

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What is worth looking at Corfu? 7201_9

This is an old Venetian fortress, built in the 18th century on an artificial island in the easternmost part of the city. The fortress was more than once in the center of combat events, after which the Fort had to reconstruct. The last time the fortress was changed in 1840, when the neoclassical temple of St. George with doric columns was erected inside the fortress, and the facade of the fortress was also slightly "edited". Today, the fortress center of cultural life Corfu, concerts and light shows are often held inside.

"Mouse" Pontikonisi Island (Pontikonisi)

What is worth looking at Corfu? 7201_10

This is a small and very beautiful island, the symbol of Corfu, which is located at one and a half kilometers from Canoni. There is a legend that this island was once the ship Odyssey, but Poseidon in anger drew him into a stone. Well, a beautiful legend, but on the ship island, of course, little looks like. But he "all covered with greens, absolutely all," as it comes in the song, and there is also a beautiful building in it - an institutional monastery of the Pantokrator. As for the name, everything is simple: everything is translated from Greek Pynticonisi as a "mouse island", and nicknamed him just because of his sizes. Also, add that the winding trail, which leads to the monastery, is very similar to the view of the mouse tail.

Cathedral Panayia Spieotissa (Cathedral of St. Spiliotiss)

What is worth looking at Corfu? 7201_11

The Cathedral on Kapodistriou Street in Kerkira is one of the places that must be visited by Corfu. The construction of the temple was dedicated to the Holy Blessed Feodore, and its power is in the Silver Tomb next to the altar in the church. Also inside the church you can see several ancient icons. The cathedral was built in 1577. A little more than two centuries later, the appearance of the cathedral was slightly changed, expanded the nave, in particular, and then the temple became the main thing in Kerkir. By the way, the name of the church is translated as "the temple of the Virgin in the caves."

Monastery Vastorna (Vlacerna Monastery)

What is worth looking at Corfu? 7201_12

Another magnificent ancient monastery in Kerkira. Its image is printed on postcards and magnets that are sold in non-day quantities in the stores of the island. The temple was built a long time ago, but the chapel was attached much later. Church to this day acting, services are held every day. It is safe to say that this church has absorbed all the most beautiful and is in the most unusual place of the island. Vashna rises on the small Paleopolis Peninsula in a pair of hundreds of meters from Corfu himself. Interestingly, the whole area of ​​the island and takes this snow-white monastery with a chapel. To get to the monastery, you need to go through the bridge, or swim on the boat.

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