Best time to relax in Lucerne


Tourist slogan Lucerna - "City, Lake, Mountains", so there are very picturesque landscapes, he captures the spirit, and there is something to see at any time of the year, in any weather.

Best time to relax in Lucerne 7155_1

Lucerne is located in the central part of Switzerland, in the heart of the Swiss Alps plogram. That is why the city is fully protected from the influence of the Mediterranean Sea (there are no raw sea winds and weather drops), but nevertheless the precipitation here is abusely due to the fact that there are a lot of lakes and rivers. Lucerne is located directly on the shores of Lucerne Lake.

The winter here is cold enough, which is very pleased with the tourists who come here to ride skiing - snow and frost abuse. The zama temperature does not fall below -7, but in the summer there is enough heat here. At the warmest months of the year in July and August, the air warms up to +27. April, May and the beginning of June are considered the most rainy and overcast months.

In Lucerne, well rest at any time of the year, it all depends on how you are going to relax. If you go skiing, then it's better to go in winter, but if the main goal is to see historical sights, it is better to go to the late summer and early autumn. In June, it can be caught in conflicting, in July, in July, it will be warm enough and dry, maybe even hot. But in September there will be a softer temperature of about 18 degrees, fresh air, so the best time for walking. The beginning of October is also not a bad time, the air will be cooled, about 12-15 degrees, but still warm enough and sunny.

The main influx of tourists falls on the middle and end of summer, so the prices come true for themselves. But already in the middle of autumn, when tourists are not so much, prices are also descended. Yes, and when the streets are not so crowded and wage and inspect the sights of much easier and more comfortable. Just do not wait until the very end of autumn, because the end of October and November are already cloudy and cool. The days become foggy and not very friendly, although the weather has no bad weather, every weather is graceful :).

Best time to relax in Lucerne 7155_2

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