What time is it better to go to rest in the rivory?


Some hotels in Oborytte work throughout the year, but if we talk about the summer season, then the calendar it starts from mid-April. The first hotels open from about the fifteenth of April. But of course the main factor is the weather itself, which can make small adjustments and repel from the annual indicators it is quite difficult, since the year is not necessary for a year.

What time is it better to go to rest in the rivory? 7141_1

Nevertheless, it is not very confused by tourists who came at the very beginning of the season, especially many of them purchased a trip with the condition of early booking, from which their cost is significantly lower. The same can be said about the rental of real estate for living during recreation, the price of which is still lower than in the height of the season. Apparently for this reason it is at the beginning of the season that a large number of young people are resting. But this is not the only plus of the end of April or the beginning of May. This is a great period for traveling by antique sights, which are located in large numbers not only along the coast, but also the entire territory of modern Turkey. The advantage of the period is low air temperatures, which in the midst of summer can reach such indicators that inspections of the sights of the open-air are not pleasure, and the desire to hide as soon as possible in the shade of trees or search for the room with air conditioning. For a family holiday with young children, also quite suitable period, since the number of holidaymakers is not yet too big, especially those who come with school children. After all, it is precisely a large number of middle-aged children make any resort more noisy and fussy.

What time is it better to go to rest in the rivory? 7141_2

In early May, the number of Russian tourists is noticeably increasing at many resorts, and the rivor is no exception. This influx is looking forward to the owners of hotels and shops that operate in resort zones. This activity is connected with the May holidays, which in Russia from the first to tenth of May are noted with a scope and are weekends. Many such long weekend are used to drive to the sea, especially since the weather at this time already has a full-fledged beach holiday. The air can warm up to thirty degrees, and the water in the sea comes to +22. In a word, you can spend the May holidays at sea quite well and efficiently. The evenings are still cool, but it does not interfere, but rather the opposite contributes to more "active" celebration.

What time is it better to go to rest in the rivory? 7141_3

With the onset of June, the flow of tourists increases significantly. They begin to come to rest with whole families, because schoolchildren begin vacation. In principle, it is also right, with children to Turkey it is better to come, when there are no too high temperatures that begin with the middle of July. Although it cannot be said that in June is not hot, since the temperature often rises to thirty-five degrees, but for this region it is quite normal. Water in the sea for this month is also significantly warming up and comes to +27, which allows children for a long time to be in it. Yes, and visits to excursions is not so exhausting. Such relatively not too hot weather is preserved until mid-July, after which the temperature indicators begin to rise to maximum annual indicators.

What time is it better to go to rest in the rivory? 7141_4

Nevertheless, the number of vacationers from this not only does not decrease, but on the contrary increases. Communicating with tourists who come at this time, I learned that many of them are in Turkey for the first time. Perhaps there is an opinion that July and August are the best months for recreation, as is considered in the Black Sea resorts. And encountered in place with the characteristics of the climate in this region, many walk on the beach from early morning to breakfast and then only closer in the evening when the main heat falls. And all day at best, spend around the pool or in the air-conditioned room. For such tourists, such articles are written to have an idea of ​​what can be expected from the weather and when it is better to come. It is also not necessary to count on rental discounts in the private sector, since the height of the season is the most expensive. Although I can say that the choice is and places too, since they are mainly removed apartments and villas those who have already been in Turkey repeatedly. Newbies rarely enjoy the private sector, because they do not know all subtleties. Air at this time is located in the area of ​​forty degrees, and often jumps higher. If you are on the beach it is not so felt, because the sea softens a little heat, then the distance from the water further, the one becomes more noticeable. It is not too easy to find special salvation in the water, because the sea warms up to thirty degrees and even sometimes above. But the plus of the rich is the fact that the evenings are not so stuffy here, such as in Antalya or Kemer, where the temperature can be +30 degrees to the oxide oxygen. Such weather keeps at about the tenth of September, after which it becomes a bit cooler.

What time is it better to go to rest in the rivory? 7141_5

The subsequent period is probably you can call the best time to relax. First, there are no such high temperatures, water in the sea is also within twenty-eight, which is simply ideal for swimming, and most importantly becomes calmer and spacious in hotels and on the beach. There are no schoolchildren, respectively, their parents, too, from which the number of vacationers is slightly reduced. This is a great period for relaxing with young children and in terms of weather, and in terms of calm. Moreover, considering the fact that the numbers from the fifth-tenth of September many hotels and the private sector are beginning to reduce the cost of living. But it may rather interest those who come independently, since the prices for the tickets for our tourist companies for this period remain almost unchanged. Warm evenings are nice to spend a long time on the street, walking or resting in the arbors and on the terraces. And if you still brighten up a bottle of wine with fruit, at the table by the pool, then there is no desire to go to bed.

What time is it better to go to rest in the rivory? 7141_6

Since mid-October, some hotels begin to close and the remaining few tourists are translated into those that still continue to work. But this is only until the end of the month, since in the first days of November, all hotels that do not work all year round are already closed. Although there are still vacationers, as the weather allows you to sunbathe and swim until mid-November, when water is not lower than +22, and the air is within +25 degrees. But our compatriots among these holidaymakers are very small. These are mostly citizens of the Baltic countries and Northern Europe, which came to catch the last warm days of the outgoing season. In their homeland, at this time is already cool enough, and the trip to Turkey allows you to return to summer for a while.

What time is it better to go to rest in the rivory? 7141_7

By the end of November, pensioners from European countries are beginning to come to come here all the winter months. The cost of living in hotels in winter is more profitable wintering in his homeland. The main part of tourists is the inhabitants of Germany. They do not imagine a lot of benefit for tourist agencies and street shops, so in the winter almost most of them closes.

Here in principle, what can be said about the weather in this resort, so that you can have a small idea of ​​what time it is better to plan your vacation.

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