What time is it better to rest in Peru?


Peru is, first of all, Hiking, Eco Tourism and Natural Reserves, so good weather is extremely important. To whom the hunt inspect the famous city of Inca under torrential rain or during a thick fog. But even the locals will not prompt you when, at what month it is best to go to this South American country. In Peru, several climatic zones, but none of them can boast of stable weather. The reason for this mountainous terrain and the cold current. Well, of course, it is not necessary to forget that Peru is below the equator and it means there everything is the opposite: our winter is summer; Our summer is winter.

Summer months: December-January-February

Until the middle of December, you need to have time to visit all the place you are interested in, because then the rainy season comes. These are torrential rains that wash off roads and villages, the rivers overlook the shores. There is a chance to get stuck in some kind of village, encountered with a row of stones on the road. In January 2010, about 4 thousand people became hostages due to weather conditions and they were evacuated by helicopters. Locals are accustomed to this and practically do not rush anywhere, taking the weather as a given. In the mountains can stand fogs.

What time is it better to rest in Peru? 7135_1

Offseason: March-April-May

Arriving in Peru in March, it is still possible to catch rains, but every day they will be less likely. In April, the Machu Picchu opens.

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The dry season begins. The probability of rainy in April-May is very small. Prices in hotels begin to grow.

Winter months: June-July-August

At night, the temperature can go to zero degrees. Warm clothes are required! In the hotels there are practically no heating, at the request of the heater can bring, but this will save it not much. But for hiking, lasagna in the mountains is the time. Temperature day rises to 20-22 degrees. But you can burn in the sun in the sun, so be careful and use the creams. It is best to dress multi-layered - so that, in case of increasing temperature, you could throw something out of clothes.

Off-season: September-October-November

If someone tells you that the best time to visit Peru September-October, do not believe. At this time, not quite comfortable. The temperature, of course, is quite high about 10 degrees in the morning, but with 100% moisture and constant wind, it is somewhat different. But November is really the best month for the trip. The weather becomes more stable, the rains have not come, and the prices in hotels have not yet risen (they rise in December) and there is no crowd of tourists.

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In addition to disgusting (otherwise, you can't say) climate, there is another big problem in Peru - earthquake. This is a real trouble for a poor country, but somehow the Peruvians coexist with it, rebuilding their simple dwellings anew and restoring roads. Most likely, the relationship with the Incas - these is the calm and wise people.

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