What should I see in Avignon?


The desire to see the lavender fields brought me to Avignon. More precisely, friends living in France, decided to fulfill my dream and organized a wonderful journey. It included visiting a beautiful rich in the historical monument, churches and bell tower of the "ringing city" Avignon.

The old part of the city surrounds the protective wall with the towers and gates. Through some of them, you can go to the historic part of the city. This is exactly what many tourists come.

My closer acquaintance with an elegant city was started with inspection of his main attraction - Papal Palace (Palais Des Papes d'Avignon) . The construction of this medieval gothic architecture monument was spent more than 30 years. The result was a defensive residence, the power of which is the old Pope Palace Boniface XII. It is built over the Ron on the rock de home. The solemn part of the structure is embodied in the new palace. The facade of the fortress looks spectacularly, and the internal design is quite simple. Since the furniture in the numerous halls of the palace is practically no, the main decoration is the vintage frescoes. They are depicted not only religious scenes, but also plots about hunting and fishing. Visitors to the Palace are allowed to photograph in all halls. The observation deck on the roof of the palace allows you to enjoy the views of the Ron River, nearby attractions and the city as a whole.

The Papal Palace is one of the most visited monuments of France. In summer, the theater festival is held on its territory. The palace is open daily during the year. In the summer, the historical building expects visitors from 9:00 to 19:00. Children under 8 years old can visit the palace. For adult ticket costs 9 euros, for schoolchildren, the price is 4 euros. For visitors who do not speak French, free Audiogides are issued for 11 languages. An inspection of the former residence of Cardinals took me one hour.

To save money you can buy a combined ticket for inspection of the Palace and Avignon Bridge. For adult travelers, the cost will be 13 euros.

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NOTR DAM DOMS Cathedral (Notre Dame Des Doms)

Not far from the Papal Palace on the same Square of Du Pale, the top of the rock crowned the Catholic Temple. Its internally decoration is worthy of attention. Marble sarcophages and frescoes, authentic tapestries plunge visitors to a state of spiritual appeal. His bell tower decorates the Golden Virgin Mary. Two more statues of the Virgin are inside the temple. Local residents believe that it is they who protect the city and the entire Diocese of Avignon from the troubles and misfortune.

Here, opposite the main attraction of the city, tourists attracts Mint . Its building is decorated with stucco in the form of lion's heads, angels and dragons framed by bunches of grapes.

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Having admired the structure can be sent further on foot or take advantage of the moment and take the train, which for 7 euros will drive in all significant points of Avignon. Improvised journey to last 30-40 minutes. Tourist locomotive delivers passengers to the hill to Jardin Des Doms gardens. From this place opens a good review at the neighborhood of the city.

Avignon Bridge (Pont Saint-Benezet)

Currently, the bridge falling in the middle includes four arches and chapel in honor of St. Nicholas. In the past, the bridge consisted of 22 arches, but could not protect them during flooding. According to legend, the bridge was built in the XII century with a young shepherd at the request of angels. Around the world, he became famous for the melodious children's song "Sur Le Pont d'Avignon". From an unusual bridge, a chic view of the Papal Palace and the Cathedral of Notre Dame-Dez-House opens.

An independent visit to the bridge will cost 5 euros for adults and at 3.50 euros to the child.

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On the Square (Place del Horloge) Tourists can relax and try olive cuisine. The main Square of Avignon is filled with cafes and restaurants that coexist with city town and theater. And the bill for dinner can pleasantly surprise.

Avignon is famous and many different profile museums. Any guest of the city can find a collection of soul. The works of the Avignon artists can be viewed at the Calve Museum, and the jewelry exhibits expect guests in the medieval palace Pale-du-Rur.

Since I am an amateur of all sorts of herbs and colors, I wanted to visit Epicurium (Epicurium) . He is located on Ryu Pierre Beil. Getting to the Living Museum of Grass is very easy by bus. Inside epicurium, visitors get acquainted with theoretical data on herbs, vegetables and fruits using touch screens, and the practical part of the excursion takes place in the courtyard. There is a wonderful garden, greenhouse and greenhouses. Those who wish can apply the collected fruits right in the local cuisine under the guidance of a talented chef.

You can visit this place from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:30 (Break from 12:30 to 14:00), on weekends the museum works only in the afternoon. A ticket to Epicurium costs 7.5 euros, children under 6 are walking around the garden for free.

Awards to Avignon delivered true pleasure. Pleased not only historical places and monuments, but also the opportunity to purchase a bag of my beloved lavender.

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