What excursions should go to Turin?


Travel independently just great! But it is not always possible to obtain complete information about the objects of interest to the city from the brief reference book of the tourist. Therefore, it would be very cool to survive on a tour and order a Russian-speaking guide service before the trip. The easiest way to do it in advance via the Internet, although some guides can be found through information points in the city. It's great if you went to another city at once somewhat - so the cost of the tour in most cases will be lower. And this excursions can be tried if you went to Turin.

1. Panoramic tour of Turin

What excursions should go to Turin? 7131_1

Everything is clear here. The guide will take you around the city for several hours, or walk with you under the pen on foot and tell different interesting stories about each castle and bridge. If you make an excursion in advance, then you can even discuss the route and include in it and shops, and the cafe is a guide depends on convocation. There are separate evening excursions in the city - mostly, these are pre-Christmas tours from November 1 to December 11. Such a tour will cost about 60 € from the group and it lasts 2-3 hours.

2. Winery Upper Piedmont

What excursions should go to Turin? 7131_2

Oh, what a nice excursion! The tour participants visit the Farms of the Upper Piemont, in the mountains of Monte Rosa, where special wines produce. By the way, these wines especially loved such celebrities, Margaret Tetcher and Pope .. Participants will come down in wine basements, go through vineyards, try different varieties of wines, as well as be able to buy a couple of bottles at the manufacturer's price. The duration of the tour and the number of visited factories may also depend on your preferences, may include and do not include visiting Maggiore lakes and ort.

But ideally, the route is: Turin → Verchelli → Alba → Biella → Novara → Turin. Such a long UR costs about 60 € per person in 1 hour, and the excursion lasts about 6-8 hours or less. Tour shorter, like Turin → Barolo → Turin lasts from 4 hours and costs cheaper.

3. Excursion to the Royal Palace

What excursions should go to Turin? 7131_3

What excursions should go to Turin? 7131_4

A very not useless excursion. Royal Palace is the most important building of Turin with luxurious interiors and a long and interesting story. I will not tell about the palace, in all the legends of the castle, let you devoted to you at 120 € from the group (sometimes the cost of entrance tickets is not included in the tour price). The tour of the palace lasts about 2 hours. Excursion usually begins on Castello Square.

4. Italian cuisine courses

What excursions should go to Turin? 7131_5

Divine excursion! I do not know those who would not like Italian cuisine. But not everyone knows how to properly present it and cook. So, at these short-term courses, the chef will teach guests to do homemade paste, pizza and other traditional dishes. After classes, all cooked dishes can be enjoyed by drinking local wine and trying other Piedmont delicacies. Such lessons can be personal and group, and optionally you can even arrange a competition for the most delicious cooked dish. The winner will receive a bottle of wine a bottle. Courses are located from 60 € from the group for 1 hour, and the learning process lasts about 4-6 hours. True, the wines are most likely to be paid separately.

5. Lake Maggiore

What excursions should go to Turin? 7131_6

This beautiful Lake of 60 km long is located on the border of Italy and Switzerland. On the shore of the lake, the most famous resort of Stresz with old villas, a museum and very beautiful nature is located. Single oasis, with a botanical garden and zoo. Excursion from Turin costs about 150 € from the group (though, at such a value will have to pay extra for the transfer and tickets to the museum, most likely) and lasts about 8 hours. Definitely, not the best option for children.

6. Chocolate Turin

What excursions should go to Turin? 7131_7

From the end of November to the beginning of December, the most famous festival of chocolate "CIOCCOLATO" is held in Turin. In general, this is a very old festival that is rooted in the 16th century. But the official festival is celebrated in Turin only since 2003. The history of the festival is: the duke of Savoy postponed the capital of his duchy from Chambery to Turin and a hot chocolate gave tourain as a gift. Since then, the production of chocolate began to slowly develop and flourish, and now Piedmont chocolate is completely inventing all new varieties of chocolate. Such an excursion, as a rule, combines a survey tour of the city and tasting a variety of chocolate species, visiting chocolate shops and chocolate laboratories, where you can see the wonderful product, which is born to the light. Excursion costs about 50 € from the group in 1 hour, but it lasts from 2 hours. Start of excursion by agreement.

7. Turin for gourmet

What excursions should go to Turin? 7131_8

Such an excursion combines a visit to different attractions of the city and tasting. The guide will hold tourists to the old and large markets of the city, where you will have the opportunity to try chocolate specialists, cakes, different vermows, and famous Turin aperitifs. Also, the tour includes a visit to the most beautiful vintage cafes, wineglass, family food shops. The tour costs from 150 € from the group and lasts from three hours. For tasting, you will need to pay separately, from 15 euros per person. Such an excursion is usually pedestrian. Delicious!

8. Excursion to Fort di Bard

What excursions should go to Turin? 7131_9

What excursions should go to Turin? 7131_10

Magnificent building, one glance at which the Gorogo Castle is very old! Located this fortress on the rock on the banks of the River Dor Balta. Inside the castle there is a museum that participants will definitely visit. And the guests will visit the top of the castle, will rise there on glass elevators and admire from there for a luxurious view of the Alps and the Valley of the River. Such an excursion costs about 240 € from the group and lasts about 4-5 hours. Sometimes they do not include tickets to the museum, but they are not very expensive - so, take cash.

9. Piedmont air balloon flight

What excursions should go to Turin? 7131_11

This is a really exciting tour and a great opportunity to look at the surroundings. In a balloon, you will fly over the Aosta Valley, the hills of Lange Wine Rock, over the Turin itself. For particularly fearless - flight at higher altitudes - 8000 meters. The excursion consists of shipping from the appointed place to the point of departure, then the ball is inflated with you, in fact, then the flight itself happens, and after the excursion is a small buffet. This is a great birthday gift, and in general, a wonderful excursion. True, expensive - from 300 € from the group (from 1 to 10 people). The whole excursion will take from four o'clock.

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