What is interesting to look at the spit?


Clear, but very picturesque Greek island with an area of ​​290 sq. Km. The iso is washed by the water of the Aegean Sea. There are more than 30 thousand people on the island, and many more tourists arrive annually on Kos to enjoy the beauties of this luxurious island, to improve health, watch the flamingos, to climb the mountains or just to be on the beach. Kos was populated from a long time, from the 11th century to our era, so, on the island, monuments and buildings of those times have remained on the island that are interested in tourists. So that you can look at the spit.

Temple Askletpion (Asklepion)

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This wonderful temple was built after the death of the Great Hippocracy in 357 BC. At the bottom of the cathedral, you can see the ruins of porticors and walls, in the center of the Cathedral, dedicated to Apollon, on the upper terrace of Asclepia. In general, the temple has been preserved pretty good, and visitors can even overcome the old statues. Interestingly, the temple was previously considered the same hospital - doctors and priests practiced methods of treatment of hippocratic, and patients came to this temple from the farthest corners of the country. As we all remember, the symbol of medicine - a snake (the one that wineglass) is, in general, the symbol of the cult of Asclepia, whose representatives were engaged in his healing in the temple. And they chose this sign, because they often used a snake poison for treatment (although it is also a hemalemise, and someone brings other options to decrypt this symbol). Nevertheless, the temple is very interesting! If you arrived at the Slaughter in the summer, I advise you to go on learning the temple in the evening, so the day is very hot here, and to hide almost now. The temple is located 25 km north-east of Kosa Airport.

Hippocrata Plane (Hippocrates Plane Tree)

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This is perhaps the most famous tree on the island, because Hippocrat himself was planted. It is rumored that the sage spent lessons for his students under this tree, and even sometimes took his patients. The tree it grows near the fortress of John and amazes with its size: the circle of the barrel is 14 meters! This Makhina age in two thousand years is the cause of constant disputes. Someone assures that Hippocrates did not suggest him at all, and the tree is not more than seven years old. But scientists assure that, anyway, this is the oldest tree in the world. Thoroughly care for the tree, and the branches of the tree support special designs. The tree can be found in the city of Kos, not far from the Hotel Alexandra Hotel and Kos Mosque.

Thermal Beach (Therma Beach)

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This beach is located near the capital of the island (somewhere 8 km south) and is famous for its hot water. Pretty unusual location - useful baths can be taken in a pair of centimeters from the splashing sea. Here, thank God, not very crowded, so, it is quite possible to relax and do not think about anything. Wonderful place!

Peacock Forest Forest (Plaka Forest)

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An amazing park in which there is a huge number of these magnificent Poulins. This is one of the main attractions of Spit. There are no cells in this pine forest - the birds are proudly dissected simply along paths and lawns, and guests of the park can be found on its territory, feed from the hands and photograph with them. Children, and adults, this place will definitely have to do!

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Such beauty! Well, besides the beauties birds, there are still wild cats (which coexist peacefully with peacocks) and freshwater turtles. Pearl forest - beautiful lake with picturesque shores. To get into this forest, from the airport you need to drive about 3 km on the southwest.

Fortress Knights-John (Fortress of the Knights Loannite)

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This is the medieval fortress of locals - knights-John, which was erected in about the 14th century in the capital of Spit. The fortress was built in defensive purposes, as well as for some time it was used as a prison. At the gate of the castle, you can see the coat of arms of John Pierre de Obusson, Master of the Order of these knights. Inside the castle there are two chapel towers, in one of them there were knights. A beautiful structure of stone seemed to have a book with fairy tales about princesses and knights! The lock is very well preserved, inside the museum. It is better to come early, as tickets you can sell, but if you stay in the castle, the fortress can simply close, along with people who are inside (such happened several times). The fortress is located in the center of Spit, you can focus on the Oscar Hotel & Apartments.

Roman Amphitheater Odeon (Roman Odeon)

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What is interesting to look at the spit? 7111_8

This theater was constructed in the 3rd century of our era. What has been preserved today is a few columns and semicircular arches. This amphitheater can be said to gave the Greeks of the Romans, as well as in the theater are innovative species for those times the construction and planning of the theater, for example, segmentation of places for aristocracy and the device for the refraction of light. By the way, next to the theater you can see another structure of the same time, but especially the baths and washbasins, as well as a unique exhibit. We are looking for the theater and baths in the east of the Spit, on Megalou Alexandrou.

Roman House (Casa Romana)

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Or even, an ancient Roman house, his construction was produced in the second century BC. The house of the house is very similar to ordinary houses in ancient Pompei, and it was built, most likely for the local rich family. The construction with three inner courtyards with fountains and pools is surrounded by a number of columns. In the house itself - a dozen rooms. The inner decoration is striking, especially the mosaic paintings on the floor and walls that have come down to this day. The Roman House is located in the city of Kos, nearby Hotel Poseidon.

Hadji Hassan Mosque (Haji Hassan Mosque)

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This unusual building has arisen in the heart of the city of Kos, thanks to the ruler of the Ottoman Empire Haji Khasan. The mosque was built in 1765 on the ruins of an ancient structure (most likely, on the remnants of the Church of St. George). Mosque in two floors is still valid, and is a place of honor of local Muslims. Also, the mosque can be called a bright example of the architecture of the Ottoman Empire period. Especially beautiful mosque in the evenings, when it is highlighted with lights and it looks extremely romantic.

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