What interesting places should be visited in Montre?


Having arrived at the Swiss Rivier, many tourists stop in Geneva or Montreux. And it is not surprising, because it is these cities that are considered the largest pearls on the seaside of the Lake Geneva. Montreux, who started its existence as a small fishing village, is known now thanks to its expensive closed private schools, aesthetic medicine clinics, nightclubs and entertainment facilities. Nevertheless, except just "to excite", there is something to see and read. It was in Montreith that the famous world of this world was resting when the vacation in foreign resorts began to enter the fashion, there were noble aristocrats and artists of Russia such as Tolstoy, Gogol, Vyazemsky, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky (by the way, the local concert hall was named after him, In which the jazz festival is held annually). It was in Montra who he lived with the family of Vladimir Nabokov for a long time, they shot several numbers in the depth of Montrea Palace. There are no excursions there, but if you come to see, they will not refuse. Nabokov arrived in Montrea from America in 1960, and not immediately, but still the hotel was chosen for a long habitat, where a few numbers were shot on the sixth floor, one of them was for the secretary. I wonder just why he did not buy a house in Montre? Maybe because for him the only house was Russia? Vladimir and faith of Nabokov are buried in the town of Clarence, not far from Montre.

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What interesting places should be visited in Montre? 7107_2

But the most famous and popular monument in Montre is probably the only monument of Freddie Mercury, soloist of the Queen group. It was here that the famous singer spent the last years of his life, he acquired a recording studio in Montra and recorded an album with a group Made in Heaven in her life. It's not difficult to find a monument, it is right on the embankment, on the market square.

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Also, in the city there are monuments of bi bi king and Miles Davis, but forgive me for ignorance, I don't even know who these people were.

And if you turn to the East to the East area and go literally at all very much, then you can get almost in the literal sense of the word in the floral paradise, more precisely in the floral promenade. This is a very quiet and secluded recreation area, which is forbidden to enter cars, the maximum can be driven by bike. And what else pleases, there is no noise from nearby roads here. Flower promenade is a long Alya with all sorts of flowers and trees along the Lake Geneva.

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What interesting places should be visited in Montre? 7107_5

You can walk here for hours, and such walks get bored simply, because nothing more beautiful than wildlife does not happen.

That is why there are probably along the flower promenade built dozens of expensive hotels, selling a chic look very conveniently on this can earn good money without making special efforts.

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In the area of ​​the hotel Grand Hotel Suist Majestik Promenade turns into a "park of stones", where very interesting flower beds have been created, incense with wonderful figures from pebbles of various shapes, colors and sizes.

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Arriving to walk in Montreux, tourists are simply obliged to visit Shilon Castle, this is one of the few European locks that has been preserved almost in priority. Built his Count Savoy back in the 13th century (according to some reports, the castle was built even earlier, in the 11th century) to control the main road between North and Southern Europe, which ran just between the Geneva Lake and the Alpine Mountains. For such an important goal, the Count chose a strategic-comfortable place on a rock, which towers completely slightly over the lake. The castle was not only a fortress, he also performed the functions of the prison at all times, the Jews were sharpened and tortured, who were suspected of water poisoning during the First World War. But Shilon Castle became widely known thanks to Bayron, he wrote the poem "Schilon Prisoner" - a story about Francois Bonivar. On one of the columns of the castle, BPINTOR left the inscription "Bayron" here "(even the great writers love to get a wall of the walls), and this inscription show all tourists necessarily.

Now the castle is a museum. Here you can see the living rooms, chapel, front halls and prison chambers, also here is a collection of ancient weapon. All rooms and decoration are preserved almost perfect.

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A small remark - there is no restaurant and cafes near the castle, a shop with juices and sandwiches is not considered, so you will have to take care of yourself.

In Montreux and near Montre, there is something to see, there is where to walk, but unfortunately resting here very expensive, I would say that this resort is not for the rich, but for very rich tourists (of course, selling a beautiful view - almost to sell air - It is very profitable, more precisely profitable, the lake and the Alps that could be better?) The city is also very beautiful surroundings (for example, the village of Gruyer), they also stand attention, for some calm old suburbs can be even more beautiful than the city itself (because Montre is too pompous And after arriving, and sometimes you want to take a break from all this pathos arrogance) But this is another story :)

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