Shopping in Rimini: What can I buy?


Shopping in Rimini can not but rejoice. Hundreds of people from all over the world are going to Rimini every year and run around the city with burning eyes in search of the best posts for shopping. Clear thing that Rimini is simply eating boutiques and outletes, supermarkets and department stores. It pleases that prices in Rimini stores are much lower than shops with similar goods in Russian and Ukrainian stores - so, shopping in Rimini can be quite called "economy shopping". But what can be brought from Rimini, what to give trips to friends or relatives and what to leave yourself?

Fur coats

Shopping in Rimini: What can I buy? 7101_1

Yes, yes, it's not so difficult to buy in Rimini, because the choice is large enough. The main fur coat departments and shops are better looking for the city, there are lower prices, and this is important. For example, Unifur shops ( and "Braschi" ( -cake-made option for purchase, the range is very pleased. Of course, "BRASCHI" will be more expensive, but if the price of € 1500 is not embarrassing for a small fur thing, Velcom!


Shopping in Rimini: What can I buy? 7101_2

It is good to purchase it better, yet, in stores and department stores, rather than in markets and fairs. And even better - on the factors that produce shoes, there are also lower prices. As for inexpensive shoe wares, Fioregelo, Moschino, Prada, Nando Muzi, etc. Factories can visit the following: Sergio Rossi, Baldinini, Vicini, DiBrare and Pollini. And you can also go to the next San Marino invites you to a wholesale warehouse with shoes from Gianmarco Lorenzi and Red Valentino.

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Keep in mind that prices for shoes are lower in multi-brand outlet, that is, where a number of shoes are sold from different manufacturers. The difference in a couple of shoes from the famous manufacturer in such a warehouse and a separate store, where products are sold exclusively to this company, it will also be up to € 100 - € 150.

If you arrived in Rimini not during seasonal sales, then prices for firm shoes will be from 110 to 200 euros for a couple of male or female shoes, in rare cases (for winter suede boots, mainly) - almost 300. And in the sale time prices And that will be lower. It is necessary to recognize that the luxury brands of shoes in Rimini are not too much, so if you "beam" by expensive brands, it is better to go to Milan. And in general, pay your attention not to the promoted brands, but the usual shoes - she is also charm as good! Yes, and the prices for it in two times lower than the luxury brands, and the sales occur to 60% in the season - you will not meet this in any outlet.


Of course, something or you need to bring from Rimini, in addition to clothes and shoes. For example:

one. Wine (from € 10). Well, here just God himself ordered to buy a bottle. Italian wines are known all over the world, and the production of wine has been established here from ancient times - after all, the most juicy grapes grow on these fertile hills and in clusted Sunny valleys! If you are poorly dealt with wines, then, at least, remember that the SECCO is dry wine, AMABLIE - semi-sweet, Dolce - sweet, Vinsanto is strong, and Abboccato is a semi-dry wine.

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2. Olive oil (from € 5). As you know, the Italians watered with these oil all that they cook, and apply it not only in cooking, but also as a cosmetics. The coolest oil is right from the factory or factory (there, moreover, these oils can be tried before purchase). But in stores and shops, too, good oil! The best is the cold spin oil (Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva).

Shopping in Rimini: What can I buy? 7101_5

four. Muranian Glass Souvenirs . It is very, very famous and expensive glass. Some tiny figurine can be bought at least 30 euros. In general, these are chandeliers, dishes, figurines, vases - everything you want!

Shopping in Rimini: What can I buy? 7101_6

five. Reproductions of Italian paintings by world artists (from € 10). It is over the same, the real picture, even a small piece, as they say, no one will give you, but a copy - how much. Printed, drawn, within or on paper, small and large, Titian, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci - all this can be purchased at quite reasonable prices in the Rimini markets or in souvenir shops. All then tell me that this is the original, of course.

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6. Sausages and cheese (from € 8). Italian cheeses are known for the whole world! Mortadel, Venritic, Prostto, and the remaining 400 species of cheeses - this is a variety! Try parmesan from Parma and Reggio-Emilo called Parmigiano Reggiano, winner of international cheese contests. The first of this delicious cheese with a saltwate-sweet taste began to produce the monks-Benedictian almost 1000 years ago.

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Some of the species of these delicious cheeses can be purchased from our homeland, but it is still unknown that this cheese lies on the shelves. And here everything is clear! Cheese can even be an excellent gift for friends or relatives, and, of course, the main dish of the evening after arriving from Italy.

7. Grappa (from € 7). This is a strong 50% vodka. There are several types of this vodka: Invecchiata - Vodka Annual Exposure Drink (the most expensive); Affinata in legno - vodka with an average length of exposure and average price; Giovan - inexpensive "young" vodka.

Shopping in Rimini: What can I buy? 7101_9

eight. Football attributes (from € 5). Where without her! T-shirts, caps, badges, magnets, mugs and everything, where you can shake the symbol of football teams Inter, Juventus and Milan - Everything in unlimited quantities is located in all stores and Rimini markets.

Shopping in Rimini: What can I buy? 7101_10

nine. Italian pasta

Shopping in Rimini: What can I buy? 7101_11

Not cooked, of course, in dry form. Italy, the mother of the most delicious paste in the world, pleases the guests of Rimini departments with pasta of different thickness, shapes and colors - green, red, yellow, with Caracatian ink, with spinach, tomatoes, basil, short, long, dry, "raw", ravioli , Tortellini, etc. Probably it is difficult to find another country in the world, where it would be possible to find as many interesting species, and in Italian stores they are 300! Be sure to bring with you home on the sample. By the way, if you immediately rushed to the counter with multi-colored pasta, think another time: the color is far from synonymous with high quality. This is so for a variety, and the best paste, yet, natural tones. By the way, if you notice on the sale of Barilla's paste, take without thinking - one of the best in Italy, and all over the world.

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