The most interesting excursions in Tunisia? What should I see?


Tunisia is a country with a richest history. Just imagine that 200,000 years ago, people have already settled. It is this time that settlements are dated, which managed to identify as a result of archaeological excavations. Throughout its existence, Tunis was part of the Roman and Ottoman Empires, he was a French colony and only in 1956 gained independence.

The most interesting excursions in Tunisia? What should I see? 7098_1

Each era left his imprint on Tunisian Earth. Here are the mass of various natural and cultural attractions. Moreover, it is surprising to hear from a tourist who returned from this African country that there is nothing to watch there that rest is bored and uninteresting.

For a closer look at Tunisia, it is not necessary to prepare in advance and reread the mass of literature before the trip. Tour operators are developing special routes and excursions to maximize the main "chips" of this country.

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The most popular excursion is to visit Carthage. But to see more, it is very recommended to buy an excursion program with a visit to a few more places: the capital of Tunisia - the city of Tunisia and amazing for nothing like a similar town Sidi Bu Said. Excursion "Carthage-Tunisian Sidi Bu Said" It costs from $ 60 and is designed for a whole day.

The sad story of the Carthage reflects the winged expression "Carthage must be destroyed", meaning a call for an irreconcilable struggle. For a long time, Carthage was a powerful state, the Maritime Trade Leader. Only by its existence, he was already annoying the surrounding empires. Several times reborn as a Phoenix bird from the ash, he was finally destroyed in 146 BC. And named the damned place.

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Its once beautiful palaces, at home, the streets became ruins. Now Carthage is a historic and archaeological monument. From year to year, crowds of tourists come here in order to see the ruins of this great state with their own eyes. Unfortunately, a huge part of the valuable, from the point of view of history, artifacts, such as sculptures, columns, old bricks are mounted not only by ancient vandals, but also by our contemporaries - local residents. Carthage is a suburb of Tunisia, populated by rich tunisians. The main program for visiting the Carthage is inspection of the term Anthony and the Museum of the Carthage, the Roman amphitheater.

The city of Sidi Bu Said is a place to remember forever. This is the city of artists and loved. White-blue houses, powerful streets, small restaurants and cafes.

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Here you can buy a variety of souvenirs, and you can not buy anything, dealing with only contemplation and enjoying the surrounding atmosphere and beauty.

Capital of Tunisia - Tunisia , worthy of seeing it. Ancient mosques adjacent to side by side with modern buildings, oriental bazaars with huge supermarkets - visual interlacing of the East and West. During a trip to the capital, visit the classic market, located in the old medina, where you can buy sweets, leather products and various souvenirs. Here you will see a real old oriental city with small curves and narrow streets, which are very easy to get lost, you can get closer to the life of the local population - often the tunisians are allowed to look into the house, and sometimes they invite tea to drink. Nearby is "Cathedral of Saint Vikence de Field" - Work of architectural art.

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Despite the fact that Muslims in the country the overwhelming majority, the Government of Tunisia entered into an agreement with the Vatican, which obligated to preserve several Catholic churches and the Cathedral came to their number. When going to this excursion, be sure to take care of comfortable shoes - you will walk a lot on foot.

Trip to town "DUGGA" Let all who are interested in an ancient history and archaeology. Excursion lasts about 10 hours and costs from $ 70. Roman ruins DUGGU are on UNESCO World Heritage List.

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Amphitheater, built in 168 BC. Used so far. In the summer there are various events during the festival of Douggi. Mausoleums, sanctuary, Roman terms and even ruins of public houses - the pictures of the ancient city will sweep your eyes before your eyes.

After Duggi, you will be taken to the city of Zaguan, in which there is a famous "Temple of Water". Here there is a powerful source of fresh water and it is from it that supplied the gems of the Great Carthage.

Visiting the saint for Muslims of the city and inspection of the preserved best of all Roman amphitheater, is offered on excursions "El Jem Kairuan". Antique Colosseum in the town of El Jem is a real pride of Tunisians.

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This is a grand construction, despite its respectable age, has kept the former greatness. It is very convenient that there are practically no closed places here, which means you can look everywhere, quenching your curiosity and presenting what fascinating and, sometimes, bloodthirsty views were held here.

Kairuan - the fourth holy city of Islam, revered by Muslims around the world. In this city, a huge number of mosques, the most honorable of which is "Cathedral Mosque".

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The beginning of the construction of the mosque coincided with the foundation of the city in 670. Now the building is more like a defensive structure and not the last amount in his appearance occupies a minaret, the height of which is about 35 meters. A visit to these two cities will take a whole day and will cost about $ 60.

Sightseeing trip to the city "Monastir" Lady, but informative and interesting. Here you visit "Mausoleum of the Bourgiba family" . The huge golden dome of the mausoleum is visible from afar.

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The area in front of the ritual structure is lined with white marble, which gives the place a sad parade. Mausoleum occupies part of the territory of the old cemetery.

The old fortress of the monastiter - ribat square shape, in the corners of which the guard towers are located. The view that opens from the walls of the fortress captures the spirit. Be sure to make a couple of pictures for memory!

The most interesting excursions in Tunisia? What should I see? 7098_10

For shopping and souvenirs you will be delivered to the old part of the city - Medina. Here you can buy everything: from various baubles to gorgeous handmade carpets.

Well, what kind of rest in Africa without visiting the largest desert - deadly and at the same time beautiful Sahara . Excursion is designed for two days. Price: from $ 150.

The most interesting excursions in Tunisia? What should I see? 7098_11

This is perhaps the most extensive program. You are invited to inspect the Colosseum to El Jame, a visit to the Berber tribe in the ancient city of Matmata. Formerly, there were troglodites, who left behind mysterious stone structures. The next place in your route is the Duz-Survo "Gate of the Desert". This place as the guard separates living and dead: civilization and primitive sands. Here you stay for the night to continue the journey tomorrow. The second day will become no less saturated than the first. You are waiting for a visit to the saline lake, mountain oasis, and the end point of the route is the city of Kairuan. A trip to Sakhara is a fairly tiring tour, you are guaranteed fatigue. But by arrival at the hotel, sleeping and having restored, and even more so returned home, you will remember only the stunning landscapes of this majestic place - the Sahara desert.

Praphrazing familiar to many expression: "Tunisia is not only a beach vacation, but also three, four attractions", which, of course, is much more. Beach holiday in Tunisia is excellent, but architectural monuments and nature reserves deserve to be seen.

The most interesting excursions in Tunisia? What should I see? 7098_12

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