Rest in Cape Town: tourist reviews


Rest in Cape Town: tourist reviews 70891_1

Cape Town is a very colorful place. Having been there I felt pretty contradictory feelings. The thing is that here is such a place that does not look like neither Africa or Europe. I was able to visit Cape Town in August. This month here practically does not happen tourists, as it is "winter" month. No, of course, there is no frost and snowdrifts, as in Russia, but still quite zyabko. The temperature is plus, but the unpleasant cold wind blows.

In Cape Town there is a rather different population. A city in which a large number of nationalities is more or less peacefully.

Especially attracted my attention of the Malay Quarter. It is worth a visit because of his unusual flavor.

Rest in Cape Town: tourist reviews 70891_2

District is Pepit with various houses painted in all the colors of the rainbow. It is very beautiful and unusual. There is nothing more particularly noteworthy in the quarter, but it just needs to be seen. He is so motley, as well as many nationalities that get along here.

The streets themselves are not outstanding, everything, as elsewhere. Naturally, where there are tourists there, there are many cafes, restaurants and hotels. But everything else does not breathe luxury. Everything is pretty poor and slaughter.

But the city center opposite is built up with modern buildings, the shops are filled with bright signs. Everywhere purity and order.

Being in Cape Town Be sure to visit the pier. There are a lot of ships and luxurious yachts. If there is money here, you can rent ... Read more

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